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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement week ten: Topic post [110 hive in the prize pool]

Thank you to the sponsors who are contributing to this endeavor. I suppose I will enter a drawing this week. To explain my drawing, it is me about to walk up a trail between mountains leading to a lake (notice I make it blue so you could tell it was water). Since we have a lot of these trails, and mountains, I thought this would be good to depict.



This must be the most beautiful lake I have ever seen...Ok, I'm not dumb, I know it's just a drawing of a lake. But still, it's such a lifelike depiction. I can almost feel the cool water, smell the mountain fresh air.

Ah yes, you've brought a little piece of your part of the world to me and energised my day!

No comment could be left without mention of you...I mean that drawing of you. I can tell you've been hitting the home gym during covid, looking buff mate.

Thanks for taking the time to enter...And...Well, I'm just going to say it...You ever thought about a career as an artist?


Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

I feel like I am there...

After a 12 pack of beer of course... Lmao

Posted using Dapplr

I thought that lake was a smoke signal the way native Americans used to light them. Then I read it now I see a lake.

It also kind of looks like a very old genie that can’t quite get back to the human shape after being stuck in a box of magical cereal. Given that he’s old, he can’t afford a cool lamp the way Disney makes them look so he had to go trailer park style and succumb to using a box of cereal. Not even lucky charms though, he could only afford ‘Irish mallows’ the brand that gets lucky charms unused leftovers at their factory.

Haha. I thought it was you parachuting 🤣

This is my bet so far. This drawing can transform into any thing you can think of. The first time I look I saw a shark teeth, the second time I saw a durian fruit thorn, the third time I saw stalagmites I wonder what will it be the next.

What a lovely lake in a lovely setting.

Our mountains here are a lot stubbier than yours, and none have lakes. The odd occasional snake, but no lakes.

Those mountains are highly and you're so tiny 🙂

I think mountain lakes, large and small are some great places to hike to. I used to enjoy a walk along mountain trails, it is something I miss sometimes.

I got busy and didn't get to reply to any comments this weekend. But some of these are pretty funny to read, thanks for commenting on my "drawing", I am a pretty great good something artist.