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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement week ten: Topic post [110 hive in the prize pool]

Hi, guys
Here's my drawing of me doing what venezuelans do most lately: protesting/waiting in lines (to demand water, gas or any other basic service).



Such a great little drawing, despite depicting a scene of nation strife. Great perspective too! It's a shame people in a modern society have these issues and so much trouble getting basic needs. I hope this situation improves although as far as I understand it the issues have been continuing for some time already right?

So, I wouldn't say that this entices me to want to come to VZ on holiday however I hope it all moves forward and improves soon.


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Ah that's a tough day in the life. Thankfully you have us over here on hive to help keep you occupied and even support you with some income from our votes!

Hopefully the political games that are being played in Venezuela stop and we can return the country back to a normal state!

I can understand your drawing perfectly. I've been in that situation myself. I know exactly how it feels to live in insecurity and watch the situation getting worse every day.v

It may take time but things do change, peace does come, and needs do get met, for a while at least. Many battles have been fought for the souls of the common man, many more I am sure will be fought.

Thanks. I sure some change will come; the question is when. We may probably not see it