Hey hive team! It's time to engagerise! Yes, that is officially a word (now). With the #weekend-engagement topic you can win hive by dropping a comment below, I'll transfer it directly to the wallet of some of you guys and gals who respond to this weeks' topic below.
Thanks sponsors.Sponsors are @bigtom13, @meesterboom, @krazzytrukker, @tarazkp, @rafaelgreen, @stevenwood and @galenkp and I've got a nice little pile of hive to give away so if you want some keep reading.
If you would like to sponsor simply send hive to my wallet with a note that it is for the #weekend-engagement topic prize pool.
This is about engagement, the opportunity to engage with others and build relationships. It's a fun environment where everyone is welcome and there's no wrong answers. The biggest reward is not the hive you may win, but the relationships you build...It's relationships that will help you earn more reward on your posts and gain more enjoyment moving forward...And engagement is the key to starting, building and nurturing relationships.
The topic for week eleven is...
Photograph your favourite thing, drop the photo in a comment below and tell us why it's your favourite thing.
That's it.
Mine is my little cat Cleo and whilst she's not a thing, she's a little person to me, she is indeed my favourite thing. She knows my moods, gives me a cuddle when I need one, sits beside me and helps write my hive posts and reminds me when it's time to give her a kiss or cuddle with a pat of her paw on my hand or face. Cleo greets me at the door when I come home and and generally bosses me around in my own house...Which is really her house. She has the same aversion to most people that I do and likes to sleep...Like I do. Yep, she's my favourite thing!
That's my example above...See how easy it is?
We're all in this hive thing together and the more we can support each other, especially new people, the better we will all do eventually. It's a fairly simple concept. So...if you know someone who could do with some extra hive in their wallet and a chance to build relationships you know what to do...Let them know about the #weekend-engagement topic and feel free to push it out there to your own followers.
Now...It's time to get commenting!
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
Join the Engagement League
Maybe you spoiled her that's why she's bossy but that should be a father does I think. How nice of her to comfort you and will make you feel relieved by seeing her beside you.

When I received this t.shirt that I won from @dbuzz. It became my favourite thing because I'm so happy that I have this kind of t.shirt. Well maybe because I'm attached in the hive so any things that will have hive writings or design. It will become my favourite but it's not that this is one of the best. There are many things I like but this is the one that in my phone until now. Not that interesting story but just want to know about this one.
A hive shirt as your favourite thing works perfectly...A great way to show your pride for the hive. Thanks for sharing it.
tokens.Do you wear it everywhere?
Yes, I love to wear and also I want those who are in hive that might be in this place to see me wearing it. I'm hoping that they will approach me and talk about hive and other things.
Very nice shirt, I would like to have one too.
yeah sorry but I only have one, 😊 but you can check in their account they have their own store something like this. @dbuzz account.
How beautiful, if I had it it would be my favorite thing too.
But tell me how you won it?
It's a good story and I'm interested.
I don't fully remember but I think I did an awesome buzz. Like a good tweet, something like that. Check @dbuzz they are having a contest weekly. Sorry I won it 2 months ago so I can't explain it to you in full details how I won this.🤗
And you didn't make a publication to celebrate?
What did you do to earn it, a very good thing, I'm sure.
P. D. You should go to the doctor. Two months is not a long time.
Take care of your memory, hehehe
Ouch that hurts, kidding.. I'm not doing a publication because I'm waiting for another one.
A d.buzz is a dapp that looks like a Twitter. I just buzz something and thanks God I won.hehee
Excellent congratulations.
Haha maybe ask about my memory while you are there, it is terrible and I will forget to go lol :D
Oh nice! I am looking at some hive merchandise right now for an upcoming meetup in September. This is so cool, a great conversation too, it is so distinctive and obviously nation specific so I'm sure it makes people ask...
Great onboarding tool my friend :)
yeah you should, it's a pride for us hivers to wear one. We will tell the world that we unite.
I like the idea of doing shirts with our user names on. Of course I've already done mine but would be a fun ting to do
Yes, I hope there should be my username too but I won it so normally it was made already I think.
Might be fun to design one, go for it
I love some peanut butter. There is no better treat than a peanut butter and banana sandwich. I can eat an entire jar with a spoon like ice cream.
Unfortunately my girlfriend is allergic to peanuts, so after I eat it there's no more smooches for me.
Fortunately I can live without a girlfriend, I can't say the same about peanut butter.
Now that's what I call priorities!!!
Hey if you've ever had a long day and not in the mood for smoochies, it's an awesome excuse, right haha :D
Wisdom is knowing what you can do without ;D
Hehehehe I believe that man does not live by bread alone.
true dat! but smooth and not the squirrel poo crunchy stuff
for me peanutbutter is amazing but it has to be smooth or it's likesquirrel shit....not that I have any personal experience of this but i have an imagination. They eat alot of nuts
Hahahaha. I know how your feel. It took me a minute to warm up to "chunky", but I enjoy it know.
I laughed so hard. Is important keep the priorities.
I must confess that I have never tried it, in Venezuela it is not common to eat this product, it only sells it in some imported product stores
You should try it if you ever get a chance. If you like peanuts in the slightest, you will like Peanut Butter.
Oh would it be cute to have her read that last part lol.
I was as infatuated with peanut butter as you were until it started to mess up my knee. Now it’s like an awful break up for me, I’m still clutching to my last jar down to the last scoop. Almond butter is the less attractive friend of peanut butter to me but I’m having to settle for it now.
Oh now I like almond butter but if I viewed it as the plain looking, unfunny, less interesting cousin...((with an annoying laugh, like Janice from friends!!!)) I may go off it rapidly lol :D
You're a danger to your girlfriend, hehehe not because of the peanut butter but because you choose her over her.
Remember that man does not live by bread and peanut butter alone.
What can I say, I love peanut butter❤️.
Dammit Man.!!
PB&J is on my short list also...
Lol...Live without your girlfriend, but not peanut butter!
I don't mind me a bit of peanut butter...Nice on white bread with strawberry jam (you call it jelly I think). It's also good on celery...I know, right? Just try it if you haven't already.
This is a legit favourite thing, thanks for playing along.
Damn. I love me some Peanut Butter, but...
Wait. I don't have a GF. It's a moot point!!
Peanut Butter will never let you down.
My friend at least you will never be faced with that difficult choice!!!
Good to see ya BTW hope the weekend's going well :)
xD That's harsh AND funny.
I was going more for funny. Thanks 👍
Posted using Dapplr
Funny works better than serious on the #weekend-engagement topic...Especially when I'm the one handing out the hive! :)
I used to add peanut butter to my banana milkshakes! Damn, it tasted good!
I'm definitely trying that now.
Yusss there are some curious combo's in this thread, but yup I can agree with that one, awesome way of giving a little extra body to a shake too ((Not in a Hannibal Lecter kind of way!!!)) :D
tokens.Peanut Butter and banana sandwich are great, I always added a little bit of honey on mine, next best thing to a peanut butter and orange marmalade sandwich.
You really did say PB and marmalade, right???
Oh dear, I simply cannot get onboard with that one my friend... Ugghhh...Yuck...Cough... :D
Yes PB and Marmalade, the greatest sandwich in the world bar none, it even out does the C.O.P. sandwich, (that is Cheese, Onion, and pickles).
There is nothing better tasting in the world, of course that is just my opinion, but we all know I am right. Perhaps you have just never made it correctly? You have to have a very nice thick layer of Peanut Butter. At what will be the lower left corner you need to build a peanut butter ledge to keep the marmalade in.
Now here is the very important part, lots and lots of marmalade, it has to be orange marmalade the lemon marmalade just does not mix well with the peanut butter.
Now to properly eat the sandwich and not make to much of a mess the peanut butter slice of bread needs to be on the bottom when holding to eat. This allows one to control the flow of the marmalade across the peanut butter. You also have to start at the top right hand side of the bread and eat the sandwich in a diagonal manner to the lower left corner and the peanut butter ridge you made.
This manner of consumption allows full control over the marmalade and assist in not loosing as much marmalade onto ones fingers whilst eating the sandwich.
Always remember peanut butter side down while enjoying you sandwich.
Currently my favourite thing. We love each other really and always forgives me after slapping it silly. I am a better person for the bag, love my bag. Mwah, you complete me mwah mwah😘
I had a feeling that would be your choice...Nice one. Yeah, it's always good to pummel the bag from time to time and it seems that there is an unbreakable love affair between the two of you. A match made in heaven...So cute.
I feel a post coming on........hehe
Yep, I think it just has to be...
My bag and me: A love story.
could be a love triangle I have 2 punchbags and my beloved who is terrifying ;) and beautiful. i am on it now actually couldn't resist
No time like the present, and who doesn't like a good love story.
😘 exactly
tokens.For a sentimental creature like myself, picking out just one single favorite thing is impossible.
All three of these items have already had an appearance in my blog previously. Feel free to ask questions if you're curious about the significance any of these items hold to me.
It's a guessing game. I know about the Queen of Hearts and the Queen of Diamonds from the Eagles song "Desperado" but haven't a clue about the Queen of Spades.
I love reading so the book is pretty obvious, though I do most of my reading on the Kindle now a days.
I had an elephant about that size that lived on my motorcycle handlebars (4 different motorcycles) that was given to me by my Goddaughter when she was about 3. It kept me safe and sound for at least 300,000 miles until it hopped off on an incredibly rough stretch of road in Nebraska. His name was Nick Dixon after a President that I truly loathed. I've never replaced Nick.
Well then, I see that the elephants serve one and the same purpose universally! ^^
That book intrigues me! Is it a novel..?
Yes. Definitely worth a read! ^^
That is if you are ok with the idea that space-time continuum is overrated! xD
If you like reading, I share that hobby with you, I have more than 1000 books and I love them all
What are some of your favorite ones, that you'd suggest reading?
Is it reading in general or this particular book?
Well, that's the thing with me and reading - I've gotten disappointed in so many books as of the last few years, that I've become cautious about reading fiction.
With the stuff that I do consume constantly and on regular basis (mostly personal development stuff), I also tend to use audible for, as it allows me to combine going for a walk and "reading a book".
So as for the favourite thing - this particular book. It's all I've ever wished for in a book! ^^
Let me guess...
The Queen card because you're the queen of belly dancing.
The book because reading let's you escape the real world, block it out for a time.
Elephant, the gentle giant signifies your sensitivity and the care you show others.
Probably way off, but I gave it a shot.
Haha, good guess! :D
The Queen of Spades was/is my favorite card. In childhood, I used to play with cards, not actual card games, but, as if they were characters. This particular Queen of Spades was my Avatar. All the storylines were about her (mostly getting kidnapped xD).
The book - this particular one - is something I had been wanting to read for a long time, but didn't know if anything like that even exists out there. The title gives away a lot - it is about time/parallel reality travel and the most epic love story ever. I so wanted to read such a love story that I even once threw a contest. This was way before this book had been published. I got my wish fulfilled eventually! ^^
The elephant was gifted to me by my grandmother's sister on my 7th birthday if I'm not mistaken. When she gifted it to me she said that it was a magical elephant and would always help me with anything in my life. That memory has stayed with me so clearly as no one in my household had ever mentioned magic before.
Ooh! That's an interesting premise for fiction, nice and off centre... Not as off centre as making the poor Queen get constantly kidnapped hahaha.
Beautiful story behind the elephant, love it! Who knows, it just might be true, maybe just at the point in life when you need it most, you will find out...
With the backstory you provide here I have to say that those three favourite items are pretty cool. You sound like a very interesting person, fun and sort of spiritual, not in a religious sense, more just in a personal know yourself kind of way. Interesting. I like people with vibrant personalities and the ability to self-reflect.
Thanks also for commenting around the place hereon my post, with others...That's what this concept is all about, so well done. Your comments and votes on other comments has not gone unnoticed @josie2214
This sounds like an interesting book...I'll have to look it up I think.
Aww, thank you for the Hive prize! I feel bad now, though, because I feel like I cheated someone out of their opportunity to get that prize, as my intention by no means was to comment to get the Hive.
With all the Abundance Challenge that I am doing now, one of the biggest breakthroughs for me was the realization that I had been looking at communicating with people, for the lack of better words, THE WRONG way. xD
I've been always saying, well, I'm an introvert. I need my space and time to recharge (now my voting power does, but that's beside the point). What I hadn't realized was that whenever I feel drained by people, it is but a friendly, gentle reminder that I am myself disconnected from the infinite part of me (let's call it soul) and if I tap back into that I cannot by any means be drained.
And then the second-part realization of the same was that I shouldn't also hold myself back, like the natural flow of my soul, as I have trained myself to do for all these years.
So this was just me, being truly me..
Besides, I absolutely love to see Hive buzzing with liveliness and energy. It brings me back to the days when checking what's going on on the platform was the thing that springboarded me out of bed in the mornings. I missed that so much!
I think we're ready for the lift-off..
it didn't go unnoticed. You deserve the hive transfer and your commenting is why you got it. I think you understand the importance engaging from an account perspective and have also found out that it can be enjoyable.Thanks for your message. It was a pleasure to see you commenting all over the #weekend-engagement post, as I commented at the time,
Have a great week.
That book must be very interesting, if you relate time travel and love are two things that fascinate me.
Perhaps because of the mystery, the little power we have to manipulate it.
We all want more time and love.
I like how you keep the memory of the elephant in your head.
tokens.Wow .. This is a very interesting contest. Okay, I'll try it.
Photographing wasp nests.

I have a hobby of photographing types of insects, but the most interesting thing is photographing wasp nest insects. Because photographing wasps is a challenge for me. However, I felt very satisfied after successfully photographing them up close. Of course I am very careful, because I know wasps have very venomous stings. I post about wasps very often, as proof that I really love them.
How many times have you been stung? Aren't they pretty aggressive?
I've never been stung. Because I prioritize caution. Use sufficient safety. Yes they are very aggressive, but I try not to disturb them.
I love wasps, they're pretty chill if you don't go about triggering them. ^^
Yes, I agree with what you said. The most important thing is we don't make them feel disturbed.
Whew... Got stung by a wasp once. I always flee when I see any.
Hahaha .. He won't sting if we don't bother him.
Well, I'm definitely guilty of bothering the one that stung me. Good to know that though.
Yes, try not to bother them. If they feel disturbed they will definitely attack you. Thank you for being in my comments.
Whats a few wasp bites between friends right? Brush it off and take some more photos...A wasp never hurt anyone! Lol...Or maybe it's best you don't get bitten.
Nice hobby you have here and a nice favourite thing.
Yes, I've never been bitten. Even if bitten I will do as your advice. This is a very exciting thing for me. Thank you for replying to my comments. I'm getting excited.
Best not to get bitten I think.
You're welcome for the reply and thank you for joining in the fun this weekend.
Yes, I hope so. I don't want to feel the bite 😁. I still prioritize vigilance. Have a good weekend to all of us. I feel very happy to be here.
tokens.Thank you for the award given. I feel very happy and continue to be excited here.
I guess that just proves that there is a wrench for every nut. Wasps and Scorpions fit into the same category for me. Stay plenty far out of my sight and they and I will have no problem. Get too close and I have an aerosol driven answer!
I firmly believe you have the ability to approach them. Thank you for your excellent comments. Sorry I'm a little confused, because I used a translation from google.
Yeah... Wasps can sting.
You have so much passion for them but what if you got stung.
Do you have any remedy for bites...?
If we get stung, we immediately remove the sting needle from the skin. Press a little bit on the part of the skin that was stung until a little blood comes out, then just put ice on the skin, I think everything will be fine.
Ohh... When you say sting needles do you mean they're tiny spikes.
Cool remedy
I mean, they usually leave little quills after they sting. We have to pull that thorn out of the skin. thanks.😊🙏
A very dangerous hobby. I am allergic and they bite me I must go to a hospital. You like danger.
Everyone must have a different hobby. Of course it has its own fun. We are free to do anything as long as we don't hurt the others. Like my hobby, it is full of risks, but how can we make a wasp who is notoriously aggressive but we make him a friend. Of course we remain vigilant. Thank you and greetings of friendship.
Oh wow! That photo is amazing!!!
I love his tiny face, he is quite alien looking. In his own special way, he is actually quite cute lol :D
I am surprised that we have never ever met, great to meet you friend :)
Yes, this wasp looks very cute. I have more photos of wasps. Nice to meet you here too.😁🙏
La bicicleta de mi hija de dos años, es mas que un objeto, aunque fue su regalo de navidad, lo ha disfrutado mas durante este tiempo de cuarentena por el covid-19, es emocionante ver cuanto ha progresado a manejar la misma.
y mas que un objeto, se ha convertido en una válvula de escape para pasar esta nueva etapa de confinamiento
Hi there and thanks for taking the time to join in this week with this nice photo of your daughter and her bike. It's good that she's had something to keep her occupied during these troubled times.
tokens.Hello @galenkp, first of all, I will like to appreciate you for this wonderful opportunity to help us engage on hive and how it is making #hive stay alive.
For this, I will be dropping my favorite photo and am glad to tell you that it is my favorite because whenever I am puzzled about the issues of life and I seem confused, I go out to look up to the deep cloud and sky and watch the cloud move and clear which always gives me this response that to every difficult situation,there is always a solution.
This lovely favourite picture of mine is what brightens my day any day and any time am puzzled about issues of life.
Most times, the nature picture I snap more is of the sky.
I used to like laying back on the ground watching the clouds form shapes in the sky when I was a kid. I used to see things there, the shapes come to life as dragons, dinosaurs and other animals...I'd lay there for hours. I think this is a perfectly legitimate favourite thing and I'm glad you took the time to share it.
Thank you so much for liking this. Your perception about the clouds is exactly the truth. It illustrates different images when looked at deeply for a very long time. Stiles, it feels like it is touched.
You're welcome and I hope you're having a great weekend. All the best for what's left of it and the week ahead.
tokens.This is the best picture I treasure most until the end of time. Taken last 2019, the last time I spent my vacation. I love my parent and I was lying behind them while my old father fed my bedridden mother, a dialysis patient. This was my memorable moment together. It could not happen again. I love my parent so much. Good morning @galenkp
My mother is now in heaven. She returned to our creator last March 2020 amidst the coronavirus first news exploded here in my workplace. I never able to come home.
A photographic memory is a nice thing to have as a favourite thing I think, especially if it is a photo like this of ones parents. I lost my father who passed away only 6 weeks ago so I understand how you feel.
Thank you for sharing your photo and joining in the #weekend-engagement topic this week.
Thank you for all the kind words @galenkp. That's the last moment I had with my mother. I hope I could visit again so I could embrace my father alive.
tokens.Thank you for the tokens. Engage more and more.
The thing that matters to me the most is my watch. It’s a relatively cheap Casio gold watch but it is significant to me being given by a very good friend of mine. It was actually a birthday gift. For so many years it’s been with me if you notice in the photo it is quite old already but I’m still using it until now.
It’s my favorite thing because it gives me one significant information that I need to know every now and then, the TIME.
We definitely don’t have enough of it, by looking at my watch it reminds me that we should make use out of the TIME given to us.
So let’s use our TIME wisely.
Time is life's most precious commodity, and the one we all have, but will all also lose eventually.
I like this favourite item and it's nice that a simple time-telling device can mean so much to you...Become a sentimental posession.
Thanks for dropping in and sharing your favourite thing this week. I hope you will come back next week too.
Thank you! I will do my best to come back again next week.
That would be good. Of course there is no obligation, if you want to come back then do, if not that's ok.
copy that sir but even if its not compulsory I still prefer to come back ☺
You're always welcome, as is anyone else you think might enjoy it.
tokens.This is what I like the most, because in addition to keeping me fit and healthy and my great stress reliever, so when I'm stressed I go screaming around the house looking for her, but she has a life of her own and hides, because she knows what to expect. it's good, a few knocks on the ground, she's my great friend.
A skipping rope...A nice piece of kit to help you stay healthy and fit especially if you have been confined at home like many others.
I have one too, a leather one, and do some skipping here and there. 30 minutes later I feel fIt and energised.
This is a good favourite thing, so thanks for sharing
She is my inseparable friend, she keeps me active in quarantine🙋
tokens.I have always liked riding my bike. During my childhood, I did it all the time and had so much fun.
The first time I felt butterflies in my stomach, the girl I liked didn't like riding a bike. I think she was afraid of falling down and ripping her porcelain skin.
I was dying to ride a bike with her, I told my mom and she looked for the solution. My uncle had a three-seat bicycle to ride with his two daughters, as they were already grown up, the bicycle fell into disuse. My uncle gave me the bicycle and I won the heart of my girl. I sang to her "riding a bicycle with you, my heart goes pedaling while I fall in love" ,hahahaha. It was the best.
The best of all is that I have lived unforgettable moments as a father, I also went for a ride with my two daughters on the bicycle, they too grew up and now I have the bicycle at home, as a symbol of the divinely lived moments.
What a great story and an excellent choice for your favourite thing! It seems that you bike has much history and many good times attached to it, a valuable possession I would imagine. I like the way the story comes full circle with you wining your wife's heart on the bike, then you took your daughters on there also. Cool story.
Thank you so much! Yes! That's why I love that bike hahaha I takes me back to the good old days! The best part is that it still works! Maybe one of these days I'll take my wife and one of my daughters for a spin!
I think if you take your wife for a spin you might just fall in love all over again...Wouldn't that be nice?
Thanks for playing along, it is nice to have you here and with such a nice little story too. 🙂
Yes! That's right! It would be so nice and lovely too!
Thank you for making it happen!
tokens."Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do
You'll look sweet upon the seat
of a Bicycle built for twooooooo"
It's a very old song, but I couldn't think of anything for three. It's an odd number :)
Hahaha that's right!! I'll have to make a song for a bike for three then hahaha
Tom please go sit in the corner and think about what you have done! Upsetting all these engagey-peoplez with your disturbance, tyhere's people trying to sleep round here... Jeez :D
"Daisy, Daisy, give me your Auntie's tree
You'll look sweet upon the seat
of a Bicycle built for threeeeeee"
Why the hell would the dude want her Auntie's tree??? Come to think of it, I am an idiot, I will sit in the corner with you!!!
All the good people are in the back of the bus or in the corner in school. Come on in!
Nice! I have never seen a three seater bike before, that is so cool and clearly has matchmaking magic surrounding it, far more interesting than a dating app, right? :D
Great story my friend :)
Hahahaha yes! I think there should be more of these around, the new Cupid bike! Hahaha
gimme the back seat and a whip ;)
Well, it's a little difficult to answer that question, since many people have more than one favorite or special thing, for me it is, haha. Food in general I love, from fresh fruits to the juiciest meat...but of all the food groups what I consider my favorite thing is sweets, by this I mean ice cream, of diverse colors and flavors, so creamy and refreshing for those hot days, without a doubt it is my favorite thing.🍨
Well. I can certainly vote for some ice cream! I love it too.
Ice cream is a good favourite thing...And no, one doesn't need to be limited to one favourite thing, that wasn't really my intention.
What is your favourite flavour? I like vanilla and also macadamia...And banana, and pistachio, and cookies and cream and rum and raisin, jaffa, honey...All of them really.
It's very complicated to decide for those things haha, I also like rum with raisins, butter, fchocolate, but the one I liked most was the one of oreo cookie, because since I was a child my dad used to take me to an ice cream shop near my old house, from there I always choose that flavor and I still like it. That's why I decided to choose ice cream as my favorite, because it brings back many memories of my childhood with my father and the many times he would stain my face and dirty my ice cream clothes haha. For me that's one of the most important things about this contest, that this favorite thing has a value or a sentimental memory.💕
All ice cream is good I guess, I think so anyway. :)
tokens.Oh who can ever really deny the awesometastical qualities of food?
When you are happy, sad, celebrating, tired, excited there are very few times that food does not enhance!!!
Damn now I am hungry! :D
Quote from the Colnel: There are few things in life that a bucket of chicken won't fix.
But consider this. Chicken and ICE CREAM. Case closed.
I love chicken in hot sauce and ice cream with cookies, so case closed haha
You're absolutely right my friend! And just thinking about it makes you want to eat, so that makes two of us haha. What's your favorite food? @stevenwood
I like music and old objects, one of my favorite things is this record player that my grandmother gave me, she knew that I loved it, she knew that I would take care of it. It is a treasure of mine as it reminds me of the moments we spent together listening to records and sharing long conversations.
I am a premature old man and I would have liked to live in the 60s, those years are iconic and describe the revolution of social norms on many aspects, such as clothes, music, sexuality, education, etc. This decade breaks social taboos, and I consider myself a bit rebellious inside.
I love it. I am a not premature old man, and I did grow up in the 60s and yes, it was rebellious.
I gave my entire stereo system to a step son. I hope he still has it.
I found this rare archival footage of you sitting in your living room listening to Connie Francis whilst enjoying some Prince Albert tobacco in your favourite pipe. Ah yes, good time. Good times.
Ahahahahahaha. We had a phonograph like that until the 60s! But alas, not me. I never smoked a pipe. I did listen to Connie Francis and Tennessee Ernie Ford and the Andrews Sisters because it's what we had!
Speaking of the good Prince Albert: I got my first look at a friends new to him '38 Chev pickup. Pretty cool, it's slaughtered and slammed and has a Camaro front clip with about 400 hp of 350cid. My friend is legendary for the 'touches' he puts in his rigs. In this case it's new interior with B-17 seats, A Lincoln carb body for the shifter knob, and a Prince Albert can covering the coil on the firewall. Pretty cool. Pictures to follow.
Lol, I knew that was you!
Send them snaps of that auto mate! 😁
I hope he does and treasures it as much as I treasure mine. I will give this one to my daughter and I do hope she keeps it, hahaha. The 60s were an amazing era to live in.
Ah yes, old thing...As someone who is obsessed with history I have to agree with you. I also wish I was born in the past...Well, I guess I was born in the past but I mean a past era, you know? Maybe the 20's, or better still medieval times.
Anyway, I had a record player similar to that one; The family had it. t a lot of use too as we always had music playing.
Music has been a huge part of my life and not just from the listening perspective, I started to learn to play the piano as a four and a half years old and played for years. Music has a way us speaking to us I think, don't you?
Thanks for joining in and dropping an entry. Keep that rebellious nature, focus it towards designing your ideal life in the face of any adversity and you will look back in time with no regret.
I love reading about history too, I'm passionate about WWI and WWII. Music has also been a part of my life, I have two guitars and a keyboard, at this old age I'm learning to play instruments, this is something I always wanted to do and with this time in quarantine it has helped me a lot, to relax and with this spare time I can learn even more than I'd be able to do if I had my normal work schedule.
Thank you for all of your support!
I love war history and spend a lot of time researching it, although I like all history. I find the past more interesting than the present.
You're welcome for the support, I always try and find people to help where I can, provided they help themselves...I'm not a huge fan of free-loaders. Reward for effort...No reward for none. 🙂
Keep up the good work, and stop by anytime.
Yes, yes, yes abso-bloody-lutely... It sounds cliche when people discuss the soundtrack of their life, but I have my own distinct soundtrack as do most people, music and emotions are so inexplicably intertwined, many memories would be bland and unremarkable without the song playing on the turntable in our mind when the past is conjured.
Music sort of punctuates the moment I think, and years later hearing the music again can bring it all flooding back, the feeling an emotion. Kind of nice I think.
I guess this maybe is the place. I really, really like the Rolling Stones. Who cared about the Beatles and their cute haircuts. I want leather and long hair and STRUT!
If I have a funeral (which is entirely out of my hands. I'll be dead and don't care) I have made my wishes clear. I want to have 'Sympathy for the Devil' played at my funeral.
So yeah, I like music.
tokens.Oh there is nothing like the sound of old, well played vinyl on a real record player. This takes me back to being young, I always loved music, still do, I remember the old 7"singles, I used to try and pile as many on top of the long holding pin in the centre of the turntable, as one would fall and play, the next would be ready to fall and play when that one finished.
Cool answer my friend :)
I love coffee! I'm a coffee freak. But that's not what this picture is about. If there's something I like more than coffee, is making it myself. This is a picture taken a while ago. I have temporarily switched to black coffee for now, but I loved making my own cappuccino or lattes. They might not look as pretty as they do in the cafeterias, but trust me, they taste perfect. This picture was one of my failed attempts at perfecting the latte art. If you were wondering, it's still far from perfect :D
Little did you know that I have a talent for reading people's futures in coffee...Today's your lucky day...
I see great prosperity in your future. You will emerge from beneath a dark cloud of uncertainty in health and financial aspects and your life will become a glorious explosion of vibrant experiences. You will exit a time of restrictions and shortages into a of of abundance and freedom...
Oh hang on, that's the whole world after the corona virus buggers off!
Hahaha I was actually laughing as I read that! Let's coughee our way out of this Corona Pandemic! :D
Lol, I get it...coughee...Sounds like a good plan and one the World Health Organisation needs to know about...Probably better than a dodgy vaccine tested for 5 weeks by the Russians...
Coffee art has always baffled me.. I think it's one of those things that's in a sense completely useless, but so precious at the same time. The fleeting little joys of life and the beauty we find and make in the little details of life. ^^
My barista puts a love heart on my coffee each morning...Oh hang on, that's my wife and there's no love heart, just a smile and a kiss good morning. #luckyman
.. cute
But I'm repeating myself. xD
It is, isn't it! When I'm alone, having coffee at a cafe, I probably wouldn't care about the art. But it's strange. A lot of times, just looking at the art will make me feel good. As you said,
I love coffee! Why the switch to black?
Using the drip is easier to clean than the espresso section and the frothing wand. It's temporary though, I'll switch back once I'm done with a few exams I'm looking at right now :)
tokens.I believe you are onto something here! Rorschach test for coffee! You could charge $400 per cup and have couches to sit on in your shop!
$400 per cup! Hmm, buying couches won't be a problem if that works out :D :D
That froth has the most rare and a perfect example of the "old man nose" latte art. It must have taken a lot of work to get that good.
Yes, yes. Right. That's it, that is exactly what I was trying to get at, an old man's nose! :D
Nailed it!
My mountain bike is my thing.
It keeps me in shape and healthy helping me keep balance. It takes me to new places and never complains (except when I break it 😂).
It helps me spend hours concentrated just on the beauty of the mountains and forget about the rest of minor things. It awakens my adventurous spirit when I travel with it.
I know sooner or later I will end up getting an electric one, but this one will remain home forever.
A nice deadly treadly there...I imagine you zipping along in your lycra suit, cutting through the air like Le Tour de France peleton...
tokens.I really like it. Except for one thing. No motor. I have a Suzuki that does most of what you do with a LOT less effort and more cargo space.
Do you think you'll love it as much?
It is different.
As you get older you start having a hard time reaching the places you used to. With an electric one, you can decide how much effort you want to do and enjoy more the rides even when you are not in shape or are not able to keep the pace as you used to.
My favorite thing is in the kitchen, a gas range; its been 24 years with me, I use this everyday for cooking and baking of my kids favorites foods.

24 years😮?? What brand is it?
24 years😮?? What brand is it?
Sounds about right. Singer makes stuff to last for generations.
That's a legit favourite thing! I would probably like the food that came out of it more than the actual range, but I have an insatiable craving for good food. 24 years is a long time to have an oven and I'm sure you've made many fine meals in it.
Tell me, what's your favourite thing to cook?
Pasta, like baked macaroni, tuna carbonara, my children love pasta
I love pasta too...And tuna carbonara? Yum!
tokens.Oh, thank you!
Wow. That is a serious favorite thing. I just got a 'new to me' used range that is no doubt newer than yours that I just love. Age is just a number...
Oh glad to know that, mine is older a year from my second child.
What is your favourite thing to bake?
Baked macaroni and cookies like that
THat sounds great. I like a good chocolate chip cookie - do you deliver? :)
Haha no, Im not into selling, just for family
One way to show love is through food. I loved your favorite thing.
Right, I show my love through cooking
It's hard for me to overstate how adorable Cleo is. I don't know if there's a favourite thing, other than my laptop. But in this case, I think I know something that's close enough, and it references to another post you did a bit earlier. BEHOLD... the Rubiks triangle thing! As you can see, it's from A&W, and was a gift thing that they included with a meal.
I like this right now, because it reminds me that G-Dog doesn't have one, and he'll never feel the satisfaction of being able to complete a full Rubiks set without having to cheat. I can solve this triangle thing pretty easily, though not a cube oddly enough. There's just four-sides, and I don't have to take it apart and put it back together again to finish the colour set.
Picture attached here, hairy legs for scale.
tokens.I learned how to solve Rubik's cube some years back, and once you know the formula, it's quite simple. But I have long since forgotten the formula, so I wouldn't be able to do it now.
I never worked it out...I must have a below average intelligence, or that little hamster that turns the wheel in my noggin was on a break that day.
Well, I never said I figured it out, I learned, by a formula, and that's like cheating anyway.. xD
Look up some youtube videos, they'll teach you how to do it. :D
It's best the Rubik's cube solving is left to the experts, blunt instruments like me are best used for manual labour. 😂
I can confirm that there is indeed a formula, which I learned a friend do once. I have forgotten how to do it, but its basically like a combo move, twist and turn just a couple of sides endlessly, while rotating the cube around. Eventually, it'll solve itself... Brilliant!
This sounds like me deploying Krav maga on someone who deserves it.
That's basically the only way I know how to finish a Rubik's cube, by employing this multiplier combo move on that ungodly thing. You keep twisting, and turning until voila, the whole set is complete!
Fucking geeks.
Learning the fixed formula for solving a Rubik's cube is like learning the cheat-code to solving life, the easy way XD
Yes, but do you have the cheat-code for life, though?
If so, gibs, plox! xD
Unfortunately not. I'd appreciate it if someone could direct me to it, though. Life would be so much easier 😂
Ah, thought so.. xD
Well, apparently the cheat-code to life is becoming no one, like Aria in GoT, then from the state of being no one, you can choose a different story, different character, a different reality.
Ah, you mean a restart then? I think I'd go with that, given how few checkpoints there are, and how much I've messed up the progression. I'd like to pick a different character, and branching storyline, please. XD
Is there a round Rubik's cube or should I invent it already.
Did I just say "ROUND Rubik's CUBE"
Whoo... mind blown
Hmm...The fabled round Rubiks cube...Wasn't that the elusive treasure Indiana Jones was after?
Found it...Oh fuck, the fabled round Rubiks cube is going to squash me like a bug!
Lol, it exists, but lets not uncover something we don't want to see, eh?
Some round cubes are best left unearthed.
Someone please ring up Indiana Jones and Lara Croft on speed-dial before one of them goes mad, and starts unleashing the underworld with a round Rubik's cube. At that point, humanity will be plunged into armageddon.
Lara Croft is hot AF!
Haha... Call me drum rolls... "The New Age Indiana Jones" for I shall not flee from the power of the round cube
I can see you're a brave soul who laughs in the face of round cubes.
Let's see if he'll laugh once a round cube starts rolling his way.
Lol...Where would the world be without gif's.
You are courageous, but foolish to think that any mortal's psyche could survive a round Rubik's cube. Turn back, before its too late.
And who said I was mortal?
I am half Zeus, half man and half cyborg.
I know your mortal mind is wondering how there are THREE HALVES in one person. Wonder no more!
Just call me the ONE AND A HALF MAN
Hmm... with three entire halves, you might just be hardy enough to resist the power of the round cubes. Go now, and godspeed.
Oh. My. God... I went ahead and Googled "sphere rubiks", and I found this. Honestly, I don't think I want to live anymore, when the demon throws crap like this for us humans to solve.
Whoever made this deserves to be tortured 🤣
I imagine this is the best tool to punish your kids with. I don't know why parents are beating children, and sending them to the naughty corner when you could force them to complete this. If it were me, I would never get on my parents' bad side again, ever 😆
If you force me to complete this, I would come back after 2 hours with a cane so you whoop me instead 😂😂
Fine... Have it your way, then. 🤣
Damn you...Parading your Rubics pyramid in front of me, taunting with its Rubiksy-goodness knowing I am Rubiksless...Evil fella, you're evil.
P.s. This was a shamefully immodest attempt at showing off your shapely legs on the chain Zack. Show off.
Take my pyramid, you peasant! I don't know it might be possible, but I guess its attributed to the fact that it has fewer sides, since the pyramid is so much easier for me to solve than a cube.
I won't lie however, I need to show off a bit of that leg-day action. If I hadn't covered it somewhat with the pyramid, you'd be in awe of my calves ;-)
One can only show off so much Zack-leg before the ladyzz start swooning and going weak at the knees.
Oh, you know they do. I bet you they'll reach climax just at the sight of those calves, including the males ;-)
Not that this is particularly germane to this discussion but are you sitting on the toilette? Aren't you afraid that you'd go in with the wrong hand and put that point into a fairly sensitive spot? Asking for a friend.
Lol, this is in fact my bedroom. It might be the climate, but Asian homes are generally covered with tiled floors, but you'd find wood, too. Even if this was the toilet, I'm not sure if I'd stick this up somewhere sensitive. It looks mighty painful, and besides, I already have some A&W inside of me 😆
I had not seen one in the shape of a pyramid, the squares I could never solve, I congratulate you for that ability.
I've never been able to solve a cube either! Maybe its the fact that there's two less sides to complete, or maybe the shape of the pyramid itself has fewer ways to rotate. But it's soooooo much easier to solve!
My favorite thing is my dive gear. I'm addicted to the underwater life. As soon as my heads goes under the waves, I'm in a total different world. I have different setups, according to the different styles of diving I do. But most of the times no matter which gear I take, I rarely go under without my camera. It's an older one, but I'm still happy with that one. So the picture is not from my camera, but one of my favorite pictures I took with that camera. It was shot in Leyte, Philippines. The camera is an Olympus EPL and on this dive I had a 8mm fisheye lens mounted. I don't use that lens very often, because my interest is mainly macro underwater photography. But for sceneries it's the perfect lens.
Heyyy. That looks like a fairly nasty creature to be sticking your nose right up to with a Macro lens. I'm thinking telephoto here.
That is colored a lot like some of the rattlesnakes in my area!
Hahaha no nasty creature involved in this picture... What you see in front is a large tube sponge (Haliclona fascigera). I was in an overhang in the rocks. The picture is taken with an 8mm fisheye lens. The "worms" you see on the sponge are in fact a kind of sea cucumbers (synaptula).
It must be fascinating down there. I've only ever snorkelled on the Great Barrier Reef here in Australia, loved it of course. I've never scuba'd but I'd like to. Maybe a trip to the Philippines and Scuba's dive shop is on the cards.
You should give it a try. It's so amazing. And you don't need to go very deep to see amazing things. I'm thinking about setting up a community about underwater pictures so people who don't do scuba diving can enjoy as well all the beauty nature is giving us.
It's bloody cold down here! I'm in South Australia. If I was in Queensland, the tropical north of Australia I think I'd do it for sure. Sounds like a good idea for a Community too...Let me know if you set it up.
Cold is not an excuse ... Lol ... I started diving in Belgium. First years I was diving there and started with a wetsuit. Later on I changed it to a drysuit. Water temp of less than 10 degrees is cold :) Coldest dive I did in wetsuit the water was only 6C ... That same day I decided to buy a drysuit 😂
Tooooooo Close. By a factor of about 50. I'd need a telephoto lens for a fact.
If it had big googly eyes I'd be freaked out...As it is though, it's just a sponge apparently...Worlds scariest one though.
My problem isn't what it is, it's how close he had to get to it to take that photo. Sweet Mother, any thing inside spear gun range is too close...
That's one sort of gun I've never fired...Spear gun. I reckon it's be fun although if it was being fired at a shark and I missed...Not so much fun.
You have to have a bangstick for sharks. Simple things, just poke the shark and a 12 gauge shotgun round fires. It either chases them away or pisses them off for a quick kill. :)
Spear guns are for edible stuff that can't make you dead in a big hurry.
Would a torpedo work?
Thanks for playing along!
Yeah, I can understand totally how your scuba kit is something you love...It takes you to a whole new world and the amazing things only a few ever get to see in real life. I'm not jealous, just envious I guess. Seeing Biggy and Scuba's photos has been amazing for me as usually I only see those images on documentaries...To actually know the people taking them, through hive, is cool as I get to ask questions and stuff.
Yeah, I get it...dive gear is a good favourite thing.
Again, thank you for joining in and I hope you will do so again.
tokens.I have never had the opportunity to practice scuba diving, but I find that sport fantastic. I congratulate you for being able to enjoy that spectacle of nature.
I visited my mother's house today to show her my favorite thing. I have several but since childhood she has been my favorite.
I present my favorite thing: "My mother's kitchen"
It was here that the most delicious meals in the world and perhaps in the universe were prepared and made. It is a great protagonist in my life and also in all the important dates.
We have history because when I started learning to cook I burned myself several times, but I still love it and it's still my favorite thing.
PS: my mother says I visit her just to eat her food (made in the kitchen), I say no, "but it's a lie" hahaha... I love my mother and she cooks too.
Ah yes, mum's kitchen...A favourite of most I would say! I also recall being in my mum's kitchen as she baked bread or cooked up some tasty treats. She was a good cook and in my early years would make everything from scratch. As my brother's came along though time became an issue and she stopped doing as much baking through lack of it.
It seems you have some nice memories in your mum's kitchen too and I'm sure a favourite food also?
Thanks for joining in and for your sponsorship this week.
It is always good to be committed, when I am absent it will be a matter of work, and I know they will understand me.
If there are stories in that kitchen, many will join me in that. My favorite dish is "pabellón criollo", And a wide range of dishes, blessed by my mother's hands and her cooking "my favorite thing".
Pretty much anything mum cooks is good right? My mum was a good cook and I miss her cooking a lot...And other things. May she rest in peace.
tokens.Every once in a while somebody makes an answer that is so perfect I don't even know what to say.
Mom's Kitchen. If I had a vote, you'd get it.
Thanks for the feedback and support, I try to bring something good to the commitment
I love meat, I love meat so much. Our culture Tiv people have a long history with meat and at every occasion we eat meat or meat is shared. We are farmers not hunters but if you ask our second occupation it's hunting for game.

Meat is what I love so much and goat meat is wonderful when prepared as pepper soup
I don't mind me some meat...Although I don't eat it every day. My wife is vegetarian so quite often I just eat what she eats although I like to have some flesh now and then...Burgers and steaks, roast chicken etc. A good favourite thing for sure!
tokens.Hi @ galenkp, my favorite thing is this little chest that my dad gave me as a child to keep my jewelry. It's the only thing I have of him, he died many years ago and I always miss him.
When I saw the movie WALL-E, I laughed a lot when he got a little box and when he opened it there was a diamond ring, he threw the ring away and kept the box. This chest is worth more to me than the jewels it holds.
This is a nice little keepsake for you I think and I completely understand. As I type this I am l looking at a few things on my desk here that have been with me most of my life and have become treasured items, not because of what they are, but because of what they represent.
It's nice to be able to reach out and touch an item someone special has given us, it's like having a gateway between us and them, at least a way to invoke memories and emotions.
This is a nice favourite item to share with us so thank you.
tokens.Some things connect you with your loved ones, when you see them you remember them, the chest is very beautiful.
Best one so far..!
I may be slightly bias tho...
You see I rescue cats / kittens. Also several dogs & few other critters too. Upwards of nearly 30 kits in the last 10 yrs.
"Two-fer."But G-Dog @galenkp might disqualify me. This photo is a
Please do not make me choose 1 over thee other... @pooky-jax
Disquali...Nah, you're good mate, you can have a two for one entry!
I figured you come in with a cat...It would have disappointed me if you didn't. And you had to get Pooky in there too for sure!
Throw 5 in the Hive.
I got $20 usd sitting in a sell order on Bittrex at .19
Trying to be patient, waiting for a price dip. A Hundo would be better than 75 Hive.
Hey @krazzytrukker I have added your sponsorship to this weeks pool and changed the post. Thank you for your generosity.
I'm also waiting on some sells in Bittrex. I have about 2000 hive waiting to sell high (hopefully). The plan is to sell then set low buy backs to increase it...I've been waiting a while. I missed the last spike so don't plan on missing the next so I'll wait it out.
I liken it to Fishing.
I did a shit ton of that when I was a farm boy growing up. And then again in my 20's with a 20 foot Bayliner boat I had on Lake Erie. I never really had the patience for fishing, and often spent more time catching beers from out of the ice water in the cooler. So yes I have been ice fishing too...
Living large 90's style on the lake huh? Ah you Americans know how to do it.
I would rather be outback camping sitting at a campfire many miles/km's away from people after having to navigate thru the cesspool of humanity for 54 years now.
Lets get the eff outta here Galen.!
Photo of Sammi Jo in Montana.
tokens.mine favorite is lay chips because it has lots of flavors so when I'm bored or looking to eat something tasty I grab a bottle of cook and chose some lays flavor to enjoy
Yep, who doesn't love some chips and a coke! A perfectly legitimate favourite thing and now you mention it, a thing I'll be enjoying later on today as I watch some TV.
Thanks for joining in, your first time if my memory serves me correctly. I hope you will join in again in coming weeks.
of course, I will

tokens.Hey! My favourite thing lately has been frogs! I know sounds crazy. Why frogs. Well just recently I've become based in South Carolina. Its hot, humid and rainy a lot lately and one novelty im not used to wherever I've lived before in the past is the plethora of frogs everywhere.
These two guys are called Carolina squirrel tree frogs and i think they are tye cutest things. Here two of them are hanging out behind a light near our garage hoping to snag a quick meal or two.

Here you can see the two frogs eyeing a moth. The one on the right made his moving a second later and caught it.
Frogs are everywhere here and there are many different types. Brick red frogs, green climbing frogs, bullfrogs and toads. I think its baby season here because i also see tonnes of baby frogs hopping everywhere that are the size of your thumbnail. Enough that you gotta watch where you walk.

So in the stressful and painful time of coronavirus these little guys everywhere have brought me a little bit of joy. My favourite thing is listening to the chorus of tree frogs ribbitting during the late evenings while i sit on the porch and read a book. Its peaceful.
I like that you have found some joy and a reason to smile probably too, in something so simple. The natural world is full of wonder if only we stop to see it. These little guys are cute and frogs can be that way in general I think. They are quite fascinating little things and very colourful too.
I think my favourite frog is Kermit...He's green, funny and knows how to talk...The three essential traits any good frog would like to have. I'm not sure about his taste in women though...Miss piggy seems a bit ill-suited...
Thanks for joining in this week, I think maybe your first time? I appreciate it and hope you will come back next week.
Yep its my first time but i like the idea. Helps build a better community. And the whole reason im here on hive is to socialize and make friends. Post about stuff i like and support posts i think are good.
Yeah Kermit had bad taste in miss piggy she seems semi self obsessed. I think Kermit would be great to hang out with and have a few beers.
Hey mate, yeah that's why I started this 11 weeks ago. I've been here for three years and built my account and profile, based on engagement and commenting. It helped me attract friendships and relationships and with some decent posts as well has given me a lot more enjoyment.
I'm not one to go in for competitions and things, but I feel this sort of thing gives people a chance to see a wide variety of people all in once place and drop comments to open relationships. Some are serious, some are funny, zany or ridiculous (like me) so people can see for themselves by scrolling and interact as they see fit. I hope more will jump on board as I feel it could have some value.
Miss piggy had big boobs, for a Muppet, so maybe that's what Kermy was attracted to? Who doesn't like a nice rack?
Yeah i liked me some boobs. Cant deny that. I think what you're doing us s great idea. Im glad i initially came across your posts. Every interaction has been worthwhile.
I have found that i enjoy commenting and the engagement with other members more than me actually posting. Although i enjoy the posting bit. But conversation is more enjoyable
Ah glorious boobs, the best invention ever. Thanks evolution.
If I didn't get comments on my posts I would be totally deflated...I mean I get more disappointed with no comments than I do with a low reward. A long time ago I made the reward the enjoyment and interaction figuring the rewards would come of their own accord. They did here and there and over time I managed to build some great relationships, some of whom I converse with on Discord a little. Although, having said that, I prefer to keep most of my commenting on the chain, not off.
I've got discord but am a noob. Don't really know how to search or reach people on it. I too used to get annoyed if i didnt get a reward for my posts. And i did dome posts that took weeks of research. I was like all that effort to produce something I thought people would value and enjoy and crickets. Then i realized i dont care about the rewards. I cared more about the comments and interaction through them. I've been on hive since its beginning more or less and steem before it went to shit due to sun. But i still consider myself a noob here. And in the end i found the most enjoyment out of the social aspect. Which is what i think hive should focus on as its greatest strength.
You may be experiencing PTC-19D. There is nothing cute about frogs. Run for help. There may still be time to save you 🤣
Ha! Probably am. But these froggies are cute.
How can you say frogs aren't cute? Look at this little rascally guy! Click the video...He's a good singer too!
I once had a tree frog living in my bathroom in the tropics... they jump high!
Yeah the little guy startled me when he jumped suddenly. I thought initially he gad freaked because i had gotten too close then i realized he wasnt concerned about me but was trying to get closer to a moth he was after. Id think it would be pretty awesome to have one chilling in my bathroom. In hawaii i stayed for a month once and had a pair of geckos living on my bedroom ceiling. They're cute but nousy at night.
I witnessed a gecko Mexican-standoff, at @tarazkp's house as it turns out...Funniest thing ever.
What ended up happening?
They postured about for a while, like the US and China, and then decided to Mexican standoff for a while longer...This was up at the cornice of the wall and ceiling, so one tried to make his way a little lower, but the other blocked him. They Mexican standoffed (not a word I know) some more then one turned around in defeat and went the other way...Back where he came from...The funny thing is the other one did the same. Weird.
Lucky they didn't have nuclear capabilities or...well, we'll know what happens at some stage in the future I guess, when the US and China tee off.
Im picturing it it my head with the one gecko moving to block the other guy. Pretty funny. I woulda laughed at the whole situation if i were there witnessing it.
I wonder what the standoff was about. "There's onky one lady gecko in this house and i already got dibs on her. Now take off mate before you see what my ferocious gecko fu can really do. Both geckos spend the rest of the night barking at each other sending gecko insults back and forth.
tokens.My favorite thing is my beloved notebooks, which I use as diaries, there I write my thoughts and concerns, but above all, I keep a record of some important event that occurs during the day, I also write cooking recipes that I watch on television to make delicious meals to share with my family. I love writing and in these moments that I have to stay at home, I have dedicated myself to writing poems, songs, as well as stories for children.
Writing is one of the things that relaxes me and awakens creativity in me. I am a teacher and I am desperate to go back to class to be able to see my children and be able to tell them all the little stories that I have written.
Hi Gina, thanks for participating. I like writing myself also, although these days it's on my computer and not paper in the main. I get the same enjoyment and the good thing is I can read it back (my hand writing is pretty messy).
My mum used to write in diaries a lot. She passed away at 59 and I haven't read the diaries, although I'm sure they would be full of her thoughts, fears, concerns and hopes as well.
Thanks for joining in and I hope to see you around again.
tokens.El es mi persona favorita, me ha enseñado a perseverar,
a no darme por vencida y me me ha dado un motivo más allá de lo material.
Mi persona favorita sonríe y me emociona, con su paso y desvalanceo me llena de equilibrio y me hace avanzar.
El es mi persona favorita, el me llena de alegría.
I don't know what this says exactly but I assume, your child is your favourite thing.
Thanks for joining in, I really appreciate it and hope you will do so again.
Yes. My son is my favorite person.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Yes, I figured that. Thank you for joining in.
tokens.Right now, besides my camera, my keyboard is my favorite thing. Yep, I know the picture is slightly blurry, and there is a double vision going on. I could have re-taken the shot made it perfectly clear and focused from right to left and top to bottom. But a lot of times this is exactly how my keyboard looks to me. Sometimes I will put my reading glasses on, most often, nah, I kind of know where the keys are.
This is my gateway to the world. With this I can climb Kilimanjaro, I can deep dive the great barrier reef in Australia, or do some high diving in Mexico, or look for Aliens in Area 51.
It is also a time machine, I can look back on the past, find glimpses of the future, or just live in the here and now. Mary Poppins has nothing on the lowly keyboard. She may think she is supercalifragilistic and holds the keys to everything, but she would be wrong.
Yes I know I could have looked for and maybe found how to turn the silly lights off, but a band-aid does wonders for muting the glow.
Ah yes, the keyboard...The world at our fingertips.
With so many of us moving further into the digital world it's an essential item...Until they bring in mind-control to work our computers. I like the way you see it...As a gateway as such. Nice thoughts. Also, the bandaid...I thought you'd karate chopped it for some transgression, a key sticking, or some such.
Thanks for playing along, good entry, good legit favourite thing.
tokens.I don't really have a favorite thing but I do like the things I have made. This is one of largest and I am pretty happy with the way it turned out.
And, yes, those are replica lightsabers. :)
Lightsaber fights at your place!
I like what you made but I like the lightsabers better. 😂
Yeah, I went to a couple Star Wars conventions and picked up a few sabers. I missed getting a couple that would have gone well with the others. Maybe I will find them, or some others, someday. Or, perhaps I will try making my own. :)
That's pretty cool. We have a comicon here but I've never been. Never heard of there being a Star Wars convention here...That's more a Melbourne or Sydney thing I think,they have population's of 4 million plus each so they tend to see the bigger events.
I know they have had one (more ?) in England somewhere but not sure about near you.
tokens.My Yoga Mat
When I decided to start exercising through yoga, I took care of having the necessary elements to carry out my practice in a safe and pleasant way, the main element is my yoga mat, after seeing a great variety of sizes, thickness and texture, I finally I found the mat that worked for me.
My mat is like a magic carpet, my body receives support from it. It provides me with cushioning to avoid doing postures on hard ground and protection against slipping, it is my inseparable companion, in the enjoyment of my practice. I feel very comfortable and at ease, I was not wrong when I choose it, it is ideal, I love it.
My mat offers me the support I need, on it I feel the security that my body needs in the most challenging positions.
The size and thickness of my mat is perfect, it is quite light and I had no problem finding the ideal package to take with me.
It is super important to clean our yoga mat (or exercise mat) every time we use it. Mats absorb sweat, get dirty over time, smell bad and even get contaminated with germs quickly. I am aware of keeping it clean.
"Through the alignment of the body I discovered the alignment of my mind, my being and my intelligence". -Iyengar
If I had a yoga mat I'd want one that flies so I could get cheap holidays around the world...Throw on a beanie and a scarf and I'd be off, yoga-mat-flying to some far-flung destination for a holiday. The beanie and scarf is because it's cold up high. I think I'd first fly to Finland to see my little niece @smallsteps then little by little make my way around the world catching up with hive people along the way.
Oh that would be so amazing! I'd love to have a flying mat really, and visit all my friends and family from around the world. It's been a while since I've seen some of them!
That's sooo nice! Your niece is so pretty, she seems like a wonderful little girl! There's nothing better than visit family and specially hang out whit the little ones, they are so filled with joy!
My niece is the cutest little thing and my nephew too actually, he's a couple years younger. I don't see them in person much, there is a long way between Australia and Finland where @smallsteps lives and my nephew is here in Australia, but 4,000km away. We video chat a lot though.
I need a flying yoga mat!
tokens.This briefcase occupies a little corner in my house, I will not lie to you saying that we keep it intact and without a particle of dust. Many times I forget its existence, until walking around the house, I run into it again. Probably for you it is an old and worn briefcase, but for me it is the object that brought to Venezuela the dreams of a better life and the most precious memories of my father, squeezed between some photos and the few clothes that he could fit in it. This briefcase reminds me that I am not only made of the things that I have lived, it reminds me that as the daughter of an immigrant I am also made of the dreams of all those who came before me, of Caribbean accents different from mine and of past traditions from waters that I have not yet known. It reminds me that despite everything, life always offers us opportunities to be happy, even in the least imagined places. I know it's a particular choice of a favorite thing, but it's the object that I appreciate the most ❤️ (I would love to say that my favorite thing is a
cat as cute as yours buuut I don't have one, maybe in the future 😂)
This is an excellent and most thoughtful favourite thing and I am glad that you decided to share it with us.
I love history and so it makes sense that I am also interested in the history of my family. I think it is respectful and quite fitting that we remember those who struck out to forge a better life and to honour them buy living the best version of our own lives as possible.
I have traced my family ancestry back to the mid-14th century and whilst I don't know all their stories, my inventive mind makes them up and that's enough for me.
Thank you for sharing your favourite thing and for joining in. I hope you will do so again.
Omg, the 14th century! That's so amazing, I wish I could trace mine, but meanwhile, I'll imagine them too. Thank you! I'll be looking forward to do it again.
tokens.Hello hivers 💖!
My most precious object is this porcelain doll that belonged to my mother and she gave it to me, I treasure it very much.
My porcelain doll is perfect, and in it I see my happy childhood reflected.
Until next week @galenkp 💖!
Ah yes, the handed-down keepsake...I have many myself, no dolls though unsurprisingly.
I think this link with your mother is nice...Sometimes we need that trigger-item to look upon and draw emotion and memories from.
Thanks for coming over and dropping a comment, I really appreciate it.
Thank you for such a beautiful comment. I congratulate you, your contest is great, you are already very popular among hivers on this side of the world Venezuela.
The stars of the show are you guys, the ones who join in, engage with others and work hard to build your accounts. I do this to help other people who want to help themselves, and whilst it's not being abused I am happy to do so. I don't seek popularity, just engagement from good quality people who like to have a chat, have some fun and join in the community to help make it stronger.
Thanks for taking the time to place this comment and to thank me, it means a great deal. In fact, this exact comment was made by @hengis341 within a minute of you making it so maybe you and that user are in a state of uncanny synergy.
It's not to receive such comments from the community, so thank you.
Oh hahaha busted. The thruth is that @hengis341 is my brother and since he had some major trouble with his internet connection today he came over to post from my computer sooo, when he was done and I was going to answer to your awesome comment I didn't realize that his account was still logged in, I realized that when I made the comment and saw that it was comming from his account. So sorry for that hahaha. Have a nice one!
Lol...I figured as much...No worries.
Here I was thinking for a moment that two completely different people are in a state of total connection and synergy. I worked it out though. Easy enough to do when you're using one computer and various accounts.
Hhahahaa that would be a much better story! Thanks again for everything (from both my brother and I hahahaha)! Best regards!
tokens.I’m glad that you love and enjoy it! I think the doll is a bit scary looking but it’s a precious thing to have it from your mom. Someday you can pass it onto your child!
One of my favorite things are perfumes, I love them and I have bought some, I have a small collection that decorates my dressing table. Another thing I like to collect is the jars where they are packaged, I never throw them away when they are finished, I like the beautiful shapes they have.
For me perfumes inspire sensations, some have scents that evoke nature and field flowers, others seduce and incite passion, others remind you of childhood scents. For example, the Anais Anais perfume reminds me of my mother's hugs and kisses, it was his favorite fragrance, my father always gave it to him and I came to accompany him several times to buy it.
Ah yes, Anais Anais by Cacharel...My wife had that. Nice fragrance.
The bottles always have nice shapes, they spend a lot of effort on the look of the bottles. Some interesting ones.
You haven't said what your favourite scent is...
Thanks for joining in.
tokens.The yin and the yang (阴阳) that describe the two opposite and complementary fundamental forces, found in all things. The yin (which is the symbol of my necklace) is the feminine principle, the earth, the darkness, the passivity. The yang (which my best friend has) is the masculine principle, the sky, the light, the activity.
In front of the yin a "Momoy" or Spirit of Water is a leprechaun from Venezuelan folklore, a myth from the mountainous areas of Venezuela. So it represents my identity. I am VENEZUELAN and that is what first defines me, I am also a lover of the mountains, I love hiking and in December I visited the Venezuelan Andes for the first time with the desire to walk through those mountains: I fell in love and I always want to return there.
It's nice to have a little charm or some such item that centres you, brings balance and what better than Yin and Yang.
I like hiking too, and the mountains, which a way I use to find some balance...Being out and about in the wilderness revives my, my soul.
Thanks for sharing your talisman and that cute little momoy guy. I hope you'll come back and join in again.
tokens.My favorite thing is my earphones. Thanks to them I can disconnect myself for a moment of the world listening to music and they also help me when I don't want my mom to gossip about the voice notes they send me. However... it hurts to remember... my right earphone was damaged a few days ago because I dropped it. I am still trying to recover from this loss but my (only) earphone is still my favorite thing.
With music being such an important part of many people's live's I'm not surprised that your earphones are your favourite thing but it's a shame only one of them works. I guess that's better than none working right?
Thanks for joining in this week, I appreciate the effort.
tokens.So many things to choose, but Jax is my answer. Obviously given my Hive name...LOL! Jax is my happy place, he is my sanity! He makes me laugh, makes my cry, makes days seem not so stressful! He loves me unconditionally!
Posted using Dapplr
Good answer...Pets always come to mean so much to us so there's no wonder Jax makes the top of your list. Looks like he was enjoying a nice moment eating some grass when you called him and took a photo. It looks like he's thinking, now what, can't you see I'm busy?
Pretty much the way it went !!
Posted using Dapplr
Lol...Been there, done that. Wouldn't change a thing.
tokens.Hi @galenkp,
You're sure Cleo is your favorite thing. As I see it, you are her favorite thing, she is aware of you, you are her pet and you have not noticed.
I know from my own experience, my dog, I'm sorry, my owner Tommy, he watches me from the moment I wake up to when I go to bed, it is so much like that, that he makes sure that I am sleeping, when for some reason I open my eyes, he is in front of my face, watching me. Yes ... I'm his favorite thing.
Tommy is watching me at this very moment, it's time to go to sleep.
Tommy looks like a cheeky little chap...Isn't it amazing how deeply these little things, our pets, work their way into our hearts. I'd not be without mine, however, as we know they will someday leave us.
You're right. Tommy is eight years old, and sometimes I imagine he is not there. However, I understand that it is a natural process, just as I can be the one who leaves before, I don't know, only God decides. My wife had to leave for two weeks to attend to my mother-in-law, who was not in good health. I saw Tommy get depressed, he stopped eating for three days, he slowly started eating and wouldn't separate from me, like making sure I don't leave. Tomorrow my wife will be back, as a prepper, I'm starving in the apartment. Hahaha
I think Tommy will regain his happiness. We have to enjoy each other.
Lol...You're starving because your wife has been away... #worstprepperever 🙄😂
I have survived twelve days. LOL, I'll have to go back to the old survival tactics I used in the military if she takes longer to come back. #worstpreppever would make a great badge for an upcoming engagement challenge.
Ah yes, the gifts the military left you with keep on giving...But...But you're starving. Hmm...
Yeah, I'm wondering what this week's topic could be on...Can't think of anything yet.
Out of joke ... You should take a little walk through Venezuela and you would understand what I mean. It is better to laugh than cry.
Regarding the next challenge, maybe you should consider some ideas about the excellent Sudden that you wrote recently.
tokens.I'm a tea girl. I like to have healthy habits and drinking tea is one of them. Why do I like this drink so much? Because it has many benefits, properties and because it makes me feel better, or "balances" me depending on my mood. For example, if I'm very tired and sleepy, a green tea wakes me up, if I have flu symptoms Jamaican tea with lemon makes me feel better, and if insomnia keeps me awake or I'm stressed, the best solution is a chamomile tea. If I have a stomach ache I drink mint tea. Isn't it the perfect drink? I can drink several cups a day, without sugar, and it makes me feel great :)
Great favourite thing!
I like tea also and have a nice selection of them here at home. My favourites are English breakfast, earl grey, vanilla, Russian caravan, lemon and chai. All depending upon my mood.
Thanks for sharing your tea addiction. Lol
I hope you'll come back again.
tokens.This is a nice object to have as a favourite thing as it brings you memories of your dad and of times when you were really happy. Maybe one day you will have the time to pick it up again and make it sing so it helps creates new memories for you to look back on later in life.
Thanks for joining in, and I hope you will do so again.
tokens.It's my laptop.yes my 💻!
The reason is because most of my daily activities revolve around it. I love motion graphics and I use my laptop to carry out a few projects depending on the capability.
I keep it tidy and free from dust hoping to expand it's life span
My HP probook has a 5th generation processor and an intel HD graphics card 4000,corei3
Yeah!... It's pretty old and I hope that I have so much as to replace it with like an Omen or Alienware to carry better projects.
I always dream of working with an animation team and sometimes retouch photos in Photoshop.
There was a time my graphics card had an error and I didn't know how to fix it so I fell sick because I was worried about my unfinished projects. But I figured how to solve the problem from a friend and it made my day instantly
Computers are such a big part of our lives these days and so I'm not surprised yours is your favourite thing. I like mine too. Its a good thing to look after it and prolonging its life will save you some money. I just replaced mine as me MacBook Air was getting so slow, I had it for almost 6 years though so it did its job.
Thanks for joining in this week and I hope you will do so again.
tokens.I'm going to go with this thing:
It was a precious gift from a dear friend, now living in Spain. This precious has been very reliable and it is my main source of income now.
I try to keep it clean, but my room is not the most hermetic place on earth, so no matter how many times a day I dust it or wipe it, she looks like she's been all day in the beach.
I do all my hiving, reading and writing on this gem and it is also the family's recreation center. We lost out TV sets years ago (burnt, hard to repair, impossible to replace) so now we watch movies and series we download here.
The computer is such a versatile object, you can do everything with it, can't you? It's also one of my most precious objects, especially in quarantine.
The computer is such a valuable tool for most of us and it's hardly possible to get away without having one, certainly here in Australia where most things are now digital.
It seems yours is a large part of your families day to day life, so it's good to take care of it and make it last.
Thanks for dropping in and participating.
tokens.Thanks to the sponsors for the prizes, much appreciated!
My entry for the week:
It’s got two of my most prized possessions. The necklace was given to me by my grandfather. He gave me two of them but I fucked up and lost one, but this one is important. I haven’t taken it off for years. The charm is the Italian horn, but everyone just calls it the Italian pepper because it looks far more like a pepper than a horn. He had never been to Italy before and that’s where our ancestors are from so he went on a trip and bought two necklaces from a vendor in Florence. He gave me one and wore the other one that you see now. He had it on for many years before he decided to give it to me and since then I haven’t taken it off. Unfortunately he died a few years ago so it makes it a bit more sentimental for me now, given he wore it but is no longer with us. I’m hoping to give it to our son when he gets to be a responsible age in his 20’s, passing it down like it was to me.
The other part is my wedding ring. My beautiful wife and I picked that out after we got married. We did things a little differently, I wore an engagement ring as well so bitches know to keep away! Lol then once we got married (in Vegas, complete with Elvis marrying us, awesome right?!) we went to this small wholesale jeweler and got this ring for dirt cheap but we both loved the design, with the wood inlay. I now have 3 rings, the engagement ring, the wedding band and our recent 5 year anniversary we got another one (that doesn’t fit as well but looks sweet).
Two legit favourite items!
You know, it's been interesting to see here that most people have come up with an item that has sentimental value rather the and real monetary value. A nice story being the necklace and the wedding ring mate. Thanks for sharing.
A god thing that you put on an engagement ring...No telling what would have happened if dem ladeez didn't know someone had claimed you for their own! Smart.
I'm all about sentimental value in my wiser years. It was a bit of a debate between the necklace and the flag that we bought when we ourselves were in Italy. The necklace has more sentimental value but the flag does have a lot as well.
It's funny, my sister is engaged to a real scum bucket and he thought I was stupid for wearing an engagement ring myself. Now that my sister is engaged to the prick I told her he should wear one and he made it very explicit he will not be. Class act, that chap! I rather liked the concept of men wearing an engagement ring. I got a lot of talk at work about it and all the women I worked with loved the idea. I want others to know my wife is taken why not let them know I am? Modern times!
Sounds like you've got some fun times ahead with your brother in-law, although if he's such a tool-bag chances are she gets rid of him before it goes too far.
I never wore an engagement ring, but I know a few guys who did. Nothing wrong with it.
tokens.My favorite object is the cell phone, I love it all day long and it's in my hands with work.
With my cell phone I publish my posts since I don't have a computer.
However, if I had to choose between my cell phone and my toothbrush, I would choose my toothbrush.
This is my favorite item and it is indispensable. If I went to a jungle I would only take my toothbrush.
With my cell phone I could not brush or clean my teeth.
Hygiene is important. :)
Heh heh heh because it's healthy.
Dirty teeth bring cavities and disease.
I don't want to see his feet.
Heh heh heh they're prettier than my mouth
I can imagine Colgate using this guy on their next TV commercial. Lol.
It would have a great impact and achieve great sales.
Here's what you will look like if you don't use Colgate!
Good sales pitch.
You sound like my dad...Obsessed with cleaning his teeth he was! Bless his departed soul.
It must be difficult posting on your phone. I find it that way although I do big posts I guess, which makes it harder. I always make so many mistakes on my phone. If I do use it I tend to save as drafts and wait until I can check it on my computer. I still make errors though; No one is perfect.
Thanks for participating and I hope you will do so again. Don't forget to engage with some of the others here, that's what will help you build relationships.
Thank you, if my friend I haven't been able to have fun with other people's quips.
Tomorrow I will gladly read and comment.
Thank you and remember to brush your teeth. Your father, God rest his soul, was right.
Lol...My dad would haunt me if I didn't brush my teeth...
There's a lot of comments on the post now, but pick a few entries and engage a bit, you'll have some fun and build some relationships.
tokens.Well then. There is Connie, my best motorcycle (I don't name motorcycles. Connie is a generic name for the model. I just use the name because it's 'cute'.)
Then there's coffee. Damn, I love coffee.
But it's got to be Sam. Half Rhodesian Ridgeback and half something.

I got him from the local pound at about 1 year old. He was picked up on a State Highway so I have no information on his heritage at all. I do often wonder how somebody could let this guy get away from them. He is seriously the best dog in Yuma County AZ. He really, really wants to be a good boy so has been remarkably easy to train. He's a free feeder only eating what he needs when he needs.
I once owned a couch, that I napped on frequently. The instant I brought Sam home he jumped up on the couch and I lost custody. Funny, that. None of my ex wives have taken shit at the start of the relationship. Might have never gotten started if they had. I always married good housekeepers. When we split they kept the house. He does allow the occasional friend to sit on his couch, but only if they are giving him scratches...
Sam has some endearingly disgusting habits to be sure. He doesn't like hot weather so when it's hot he licks a patch on his pillow (which also used to belong to me) to lay his head on. I note that the cover of his pillow has some holes in it, I'm sure it was accidental to his licking the thing.
I'm sure I am not aware every time Sam farts, but when he's got a dandy brewed up he comes up next to me to let it fly. My experience is that if you can HEAR a dog fart it's probably time to move. It may be a direct result of my farting. I have to remember every time I let one fly it is right at nose level for the poor doggy. Their noses are about 400x what ours can smell... But it's hardly ever over 50 times a day for me, you'd think that wouldn't bother him much.
He makes more noise licking his non existant balls than you can believe. He takes intense pleasure in it. I think he might be doing that on purpose because he thinks I might possibly be the reason for his balls being absent from his other wise pristine body. It was actually coincidental to my getting him.
So there you have it. The Sam saga goes on!
Old Sam huh? I was expecting to see many pets as favourite things as they tend to ingrain themselves so deeply in our hearts right?
So, it seems like the two of you were a match made in heaven...Sam and Tom, the fart-friends.
tokens.I live in Venezuela Maracaibo-Zulia State. Maracaibo is called the city of the Beloved Sun, the whole year is summer. To protect myself from the sun I always wear a cap. The one I love the most is the one that says Spain, it was sent to me by one of my sons who emigrated and lives there, I miss it a lot. 😔
I also have a favourite hat so I understand completely.
Thanks for joining in.
Oh, I also find it interesting that you and @karinanunez posted the exact same comment on my post only a minute apart. You guys must be in synergy or something...However you deleted yours pretty quickly so the synergy didn't last long.
Thanks for joining in this week.
I had a cat named Cleo too.
Damn. My first cat had a name and it was Cleopatra Rex. She allowed me to call her Cleo and live in 3 of her houses. I was just 21 when she came to live with me, so she got to see most of the maddness in my life.
I'll be back in a bit. I think we probably both know the subject. Maybe.
She's my little bestie...I'm still getting over losing Merlin, but having Cleo helps. She's a god little cat.
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