
I always swim/surf with my mate Andrew Carter from SA they love the taste of him, he's been hit twice by great whites.


He deserves it though wearing budgie smugglers like that.

Lol...Don't hold back mate.

Third time's a charm...Maybe for the shark though. Best take old Andy boy along mate...Someday his sacrifice will save your life.

Not really last time he survived and his mate didn't, Andy made the Guinness book of records for living through two attacks.

This has all gotten a bit serious, maybe I should fart to lighten the mood, everyone likes a good fart.

I suppose he new the risks of putting himself in an environment in which a shark attack could happen; It's much like a racing driver...They know the risks and still scramble over each other to take them. I guess all those who knew him can comfort themselves with is that he went out doing something he loved. Some people get killed by a drunk driver whilst they're waiting at the traffic lights to cross the road.

Yes, this post is probably not the place for deep and meaningful conversations...A fart could be the just the ticket to lighten the mood. It might also chase the sharks away if they come for Andrew when he goes back in too.


Lol. Job done.

It's crazy how often my mum shows up on the hive.

There we go back on track:)

Farts are funny and always a good choice to lighten the mood in any circumstance. Would that I could fart on command!

mine aren't, ask @biggypauls. Weapons of mass destruction mine are. I could have been iraqs chemical and biological warefare division on my own

I get it. I REALLY do.

Now that I've quit drinking, mine always smell like roses. But back in the day I was lethal. Beer, Pizza, Pickled Eggs, and Pork Rinds were my four main food groups.

Maybe not exactly like roses, but compared to what was almost pleasant.

mmmm pickled eggs. Love them

Most farts are funny but @scubahead can clear the dive centre with one of his atomic exits, I think he's rotting from the inside out🤢🤮

i believe in doing things well and in this case it does not always mean following through

Ooooo shart free is the way forward.

Even that is funny if you survive. It's like surviving an explosion-the first thing I do is laugh :) Then I realize the actual severity.