drug waste dumped.
The Netherlands is one of the largest producers of ecstasy. And I'm not proud of that. Because the people who make that are criminals. I am not against the drugs, but in the making process the waste is dumped in nature. And that makes me angry.
here it was dumped on a remote road. But it is also dumped in forests. This pollutes the soil. They are unscrupulous people.
I got the photos from hvzeeland and they were made by manfred berrevoets.
Perhaps legalization would provide a solution to this problem. But I also understand that they don't want that. If I had kids I wouldn't want that either. But on the other hand, supervision and quality will improve.
I now only smoke weed. I did ecstasy but that was more than 15 years ago. No, I'd rather plant a plant. so I can see for myself what's in it
this is the PBB mystery fam. And it was a female. It's a bit of a mess in the tent. but I'm going to start again. I have new bio soil and 2 new 30 liter pots. And now I want to grow well. with 18 hours of light. And nice cropping
My plan is to have smokeable weed for Christmas. And that should work. Thanks friends for watching my blog. And until the next time
Legal industries are also responsible for a lot of industrial waste that destroys nature. It's not just small independent drug producers/dealers. Big pharma is worse than all the "criminals" put together. But yes, anyone who desecrates the environment for profit should be held accountable for it.
As for Ecstasy.... I once had the pure stuff (MDMA) at Burning Man with a really great girl. It was quite magical and memorable :)
Yes correct. And I always say so ecstasy you should try it sometime and then unlearn it right away.😋
I think it's a good one to experiment with at the right time, but not a good one to make part of your routine....
I think alcohol does more damage to the youth
Yeah that's one I have managed to mainly avoid, especially in recent years. But some family members have a lot of trouble with it.
Many of these criminals don't really care about nature, they only care about money. It's pretty shameful... That's why I prefer to support cannabis lovers because they understand the importance of growing a crop.
I've seen terrible cannabis growers (polluting etc) that are in the black market (the free market). I've also seen them in the legalized (monopolized) government market. And I've seen excellent growerrs in the black market, and even a few excellent growers within the legalized cannabis market.
I think other drugs (like ecstasy) do tend to lead to a lot worse production methods. Something about cannabis being a natural plant, not a lab chemical. And maybe in the way cannabis makes us feel... peaceful and more at one with the planet than some other drugs.
Yes they only see money. There is also a lot involved.
I tried X when I was in my 20s.. it's not my thing. But dumping your trash in nature is bullshit
Absolutely and its also disrespectful to the local community and the Boss they work for. lol
yess its criminal