It has been a long toxic lifestyle. Locked open for more than a while. Letting out. Letting in. All that is vile. Nail file. Rope and tile. What is hanging there from the kitchen door, is that Kyle? Quick grab the blood vile. Copy the data into file. Dial the emergency number. Move that lumber. Reap and plunder. Hurry quickly here comes the thunder. Soul torn asunder. With the mighty plunger. Hell bent on satisfying hunger. Enter the man before the thunder comes knocking. No Christmas stocking. No time for talking. No running menos walking. This is gonna be the addition to the situation. I'm the one you didn't take into consideration. All this evident lack of investigation. Has led to our fall of communication.
I'm not going to tell you how to live your life. If you have something to say. Say it. I'll read them. Send me an email at
If you wish to talk to someone then do so with whoever is there. can be your cat it doesn't matter. just get it out somehow. Can be music, a book, excercise, etc. I suffer from the same mind set every day. everyday I get the urges to do it. it comes and goes like a migrane. I have no control of NOT ever feeling it again. but I have been practicing some methods. Smoking marijuana has helped me tremendously. I am not making a recommendation to smoking marijuana. I am just simply stating what is helping me get through the day.
I'm just saying, i'll be ears at the most. I'm a silent being so talking in voice just isn't going to happen. Send me an email about whatever, ill post it up if you want to. conditions are what you want them to be. anonymous etc. Many other people out there, and I believe personaly only those that have been through it and gotten out of it have any real chance of having some decent merit in their say. What can we do to help except share our experiences. our fallen experiences. our growth experiences. the experiences yet to come.
Much love <3