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RE: So I'm a pothead.

in #weed7 years ago

Dave, I have chosen your post to make my Corny Joke of the Day:

The good thing about being a Pothead is when you get the munchies you can always cook something in your hat !


Lmao.. that's pretty corny.. I like it

so is it time for a "Dave Dickey ya'll" Rap yet ? I got some ideas bro...

A rap? Sure let's hear it...

My best shot is a limerick...
There once was a man named Dave
Who dug up a whore from her grave
She was moldy as shit
And missing a tit
But look at the money he saved...

I meant I'll make one about you like the one I did for Steemit a while back, but thats a good limerick !

It's the worst thing about being a pothead IMO. Whenever you give in to munchies your buzz just goes off the window in a split second. I personally HATE to eat whenever I'm high.