ESTM Boosting refund to @hotrradio!
Due to one of these reasons:
1. Not posted from eSteem apps.
2. Already curated by eSteem team.
3. Need bit more improvement on quality of post.
4. Might be too old post.
5. User already received vote in last couple hours.
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I don't understand why my post Boost was rejected, and I just wrote this post this morning. If something is already "curated" by eSteem team is impossible to even know and is not a very good reason to stop my boost, as to quality, I haven't changed what I write or how I write it. This is why I don't invest so much in this projects as "free speech" is really relative to those in the control. Cool, I am done and will use another app like Portiko, I havent' had these problems with them.
Just an observation: I posted my article, and it wasn't more than a minute or two later that by Boost was rejected and the reasons given are bs. This means with a Bot is scanning posts isntead of a real person, or that person didn't even read the Article as it is a long artilce with a lot of data and sound information; so why was the boost rejected again?
Just FYI: I was soley using the eSteem App and Surfer to do my work, that is now going to change as I don't have time for bullshit bots and people who don't read an article before rejecting my Boost which I earned the points. Guess what? I have an Article for that! LOL.
Thanks for your feedback!
In your case, likely scenario is 2 or 4. So if you try boosting again, it will likely work.
How would you want us to improve refund message so that it will be more informative?
To your another point, I just wanted to add this: "free speech" is that nobody can block/remove your post because it resides on blockchain.
Hope it helps, don't hesitate to reach us out on discord for real-time help or feedback!
You have very fast readers my friend.
If you got instant refund that's because of reason 4. likely, that your post wasn't voted by anyone else yet. We are thinking to remove that limit so that there can be more time for curators to evaluate post. Instant refund happens because of these checks, previously we had refund after 24 hours if post somewhat missed out of curation list but we changed it into instant so that it will give user direct feedback and you could always re-try.