I love this end of the park, and as you say each park of the park has its own Beauty, and right next door to the Meer is the ramble another area of the park I live but its so far from the office I seldom make it there, but i may have to do a walk through there again soon
Harlem itself seems to be picking up it had such a bad reputation for a long time its great to see it coming back but still have the cool character of the old buildings
It's absolutely true. I have always felt that way about Central Park. It's just one of those places I could go my entire life and it never looks the same. Of course, the fixed part of it is the same but even though Landscaping looks different throughout the seasons. I can understand about it being too far from the office. I'm always amazed that you go as far as you do.
Harlem has come a long way baby! There was a day that I wouldn't go down there unless I had to. Have yourself a most wonderful night!
OHh Ok its the newspaper part, now that makes more sense to me I was a little confused, but then again that is not unusual LOL
Will be cool seeing them hatch and grow and then fly away
Ohh yes it was such a lovely day I did sneak in a walk after lunch, and so wanted to play hookey and not go back I must admit, but I did the adult thing and went back to work
What you mean about bad reputation?
For a while that area was renowned for being quite dangerous and many did not go there