Walking to show them the Araguaney, declared National Tree of Venezuela. / Caminata para mostrarles el Araguaney declarado Árbol nacional de Venezuela

in #wednesdaywalk3 years ago (edited)

Hello my dear walkers, pleasure in greeting you, with this post I join the challenge #wednesdaywalk, initiated by @tattoodjay.

Hola mis queridos caminantes, gusto en saludarlos, con este post me uno al reto #wednesdaywalk, iniciado por @tattoodjay.

Walking through the sector where I live in Maturin Monagas State, I came across this splendid tree recognized in my country Venezuela with national tree, which was declared on May 29, 1948 by the then president Rómulo Gallego who identified this tree with the golden spring of the Araguaneyes.

The streets and roads of my country are embellished with such a splendid majesty of nature.

Caminando por el sector donde vivo en Maturin Estado Monagas , me encontré con este esplendoroso Árbol reconocido en mi país Venezuela con árbol nacional, el cual fue declarado el 29 de Mayo de 1948 por el entonces presidente Rómulo Gallego quien identificaba este árbol con la primavera de oro de los Araguaneyes.
Las calles y carretera de mi país se ven embellecida con tan esplendorosa majestad de la naturaleza.


Going a little into history and consulting with my friend Google, I will share with you a summary of this spectacular National Tree of my beautiful country Venezuela.

Entrando un poco en la historia y consultando con mi amigo Google, voy a compartir con ustedes un resumen de este espectacular árbol Nacional de mi hermoso país Venezuela.

The Araguaney or Aravenei is native to the tropophilic jungles of the Venezuelan plains, its botanical name is Handroanthus chrysanthus and the Venezuelan species is Tebehuia Chrisantha. It is also recognized with the name of yellow oak, cañahuate, zapatillo, zapito and tajibo (a variety of it can be seen from Mexico to Ecuador).

El Araguaney o Aravenei es originario de las selvas tropófilas de los llanos venezolanos, Su nombre botánico es Handroanthus chrysanthus y la especie venezolana es Tebehuia Chrisantha. Tambien se le reconoce con el nombre de roble amarillo, cañahuate, zapatillo, zapito y tajibo (una variedad de él puede observarse desde México hasta Ecuador).

Its average height varies between 6 to 35 meters high, during almost the whole year the Araguaney is green, even goes unnoticed, until its yellow bloom between the months of April and May that covers it for a few days of showy flowers of intense yellow color, which when defoliated fall like carpets that adorn the environment.

Su altura promedio varía entre los 6 hasta los 35 metros de alto, durante casi todo el año el Araguaney se muestra de color verde, incluso pasa inadvertida, hasta su amarillo florecer entre los meses de abril y mayo que le cubre por pocos días de vistosas flores de color amarillo intenso, que al deshojarse caen como alfombras que adornan el entorno.

I could not stand the temptation after admiring its splendid beauty and seeing the natural carpet of flowers falling from the tree, without being able to stop them and thanking God for such a beautiful creation, I enjoyed taking the photos, which I share today.

No pude aguantar la tentación después de admirar su esplendorosa belleza y ver la alfombra natural de flores que caían del árbol, sin poder detenerlas y dando gracias a Dios por tan hermosa creación, disfrute tomándome las fotos, que hoy comparto.

Thank you for reading my post, soon I will be sharing my walks with my wonderful followers.

Photos of my authorship.

Gracias por leer mis post, próximamente estaré compartiendo mis caminatas con mis maravillosos seguidores.

Fotos de mi autoría.


Love the colors of the tree such a beauty for your national tree

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Thank you for such a beautiful space to share our walks, they also allow us to observe carefully everything that surrounds us.Thank you @tattoodjay. The truth is that our National Tree is super beautiful, anywhere I find it I do not stop observing its beauty and majesty and I am stunned observing the perfection of nature.

I love how the tree not has its beauty on the branches, but adds a layer of color on the ground