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am heutigen Mittwoch möchte ich Euch im Rahmen des #WednesdayHouse von @andyjaypowell, inspiriert durch #DanceWeekend von @uwelang, den House-Klassiker "Music Is The Key" von J. M. Silk aus dem Jahr 1985 vorstellen.
Today, as a part of #WednesdayHouse by @andyjaypowell, inspired by #DanceWeekend by @uwelang, I would like to introduce you to a classic of house music. It's the song "Music Is The Key" by J. M. Silk from the year 1985.
Dieser herausragende House-Track wurde von dem bekannten US-amerikanischen DJ, House-Produzenten und Texter Steve W. "Silk" Hurley (*1962 in Chicago) geschrieben und war die erste Single die unter dem Pseudonym "J. M. Silk" veröffentlicht wurde. Produziert wurde er von Steve W. Hurley und Alexander M. Alcarese unter den Künstlernamen "J. M. Silk" und "Rocky Jones".
Bekannt ist Hurley auch durch seine Remixe, die er u.a. für Madonna, Prince, Black Box und Jennifer Lopez gemacht hat.
This outstanding house track was written by the well-known US-American DJ, house-music-producer and songwriter Steve W. "Silk" Hurley (*1962 in Chicago) and was the first single released under the pseudonym "J.M. Silk".
It was produced by Steve W. Hurley and Alexander M. Alcarese under the stage names "J.M. Silk" and "Rocky Jones".
Hurley is also known for his remixes, which he has made for Madonna, Prince, Black Box, Jennifer Lopez and many others.
Lehnt Euch zurück und genießt!
Lean back and enjoy!
🔊 Follow @docmarenkristina 🔊
Sehr schöner Track, habe ich auch noch als Vinyl :-)
Ganz lieben Dank, Mike!!! Die Platte hat sicherlich schon einen ganz schönen Sammlerwert💰 💰 💰! ;-)
i actually had this and quite a few other early house tunes of the time on wax, it was so new at the time where i was from nobody really knew in what context to present it, most local audiences for dance music didnt quite get it yet, it didnt take long before things changed though and pretty quickly my city became a port of call for many detroit, chicago legends of the scene ;)
There are already exceptionally good songs from this period. Some were a bit ahead of their time, but not for long. Then such tracks changed the history of music and ushered in a new era. And so pioneers became legends. ;-)
Taken from the vault this one!
Yes, it's a house pearl 📀!!! ;-)
Hallo Maren. Bei so guter Musik kann man den Abend wirklich schön gestalten. Wieder ein gutes Händchen und super Geschmack bewiesen.
Ich danke Dir ganz 💙-lich, lieber Poertsch!!! 😊
Very nice music @mikenero.
Excellent music @mikenero.