Wednesday strength and speed!
Changed the situps to hollow body crunches to lessen the burden on my spine. This type of crunches is actually he best way to build overall strength and muscle definition of the abs.
12 minutes of :
5 push ups
10 hollow body crunches
15 squats
With a 10 minute sprints to end it.
(Got really tired in that video 😅) #wednesday #wednesdayworkout #strength #speed #pushups #hollowbodycrunches #squats #sprints #fitness #golffitness #golfpro #basicstrength #golfworkout #tournamentpreparation #fitlifestyle #getgood #getfit #neverstop #nevergiveup #share2steem #steemxp #teammalaysia #sabah #sabahan #sabahathletes
