Weddings, a very expensive business!
This usually comes during stressful exams or a work period.
It never comes while you're relaxed (like anything in life actually)
Sometimes I feel that when I get a wedding invitation from someone I saw years ago I get a police report, only after the report from the policeman I'm not completely drunk.
Flowers, arranging the tables, the invitations, the hall, the canopy, the bride's dress, the groom's suit, the way of arrival, making a speech about the grandmother who could not come because she is not with us anymore,
And more
We said we would talk about a gift equal to the couple who was married, except for a fat check with a nice sum.
You can add the basket to the married couple!
All kinds of little things a married couple and a young man never think of buying.
the list for the basket:
Tablespoons for cooking
Sieve for spaghetti
Cauldron spices
Heat gloves
A few small knives
And all those little things you just need at home can even be a stand for absorbent paper in the kitchen.
Young married couples do not think about these things.
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ืขืื ืืืจืื ืฉืืืืฉืืื:
ืืืจื, ืชืืชืืืช ืืกืืจืื, ืืขืื ืืืืืฉ ืืืื, ืงืืคืกื ืืขืืืืืช, ืืชืงื ืืืืกืืช, ืืชืืื, ืืกืืจืื ืืืจืืื.
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ืืื ื ืขื, ืชืชืงื:
" the bride's suit"
" the groom's suit"
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I'd give something that will help them with their health as that is the real wealth. A slowjuicer like the Green Star Elite...

or a MegaHome Distiller perhaps...
A good source of water is key for a high quality of life! :)
@amiramnoam. - I always get totally confused about what to give. Sometimes even photos from the couples childhood, in a nice frame make a very valuable and sentimental gift However, we can not do it always.
Interesting topic.

Sometimes, thinking of what to buy as a wedding gift can be so much of a challenge cos one is not so sure if the couple would need that in the immediate. But from what you just posted. It gives a good idea of what to buy since couples neaely think of these things. Thanks for this post.
yes @vm2904, sometimes we do not know what to give, but for me a good gift would be an album of photographs hehehehe liked the post, greetings @amiramnoam
A great gift is to have the wedding invitation preserved. The simplest way is to frame it; alternatively, there are lots of artists who do everything from putting it on the top of a stained glass box to etching it on a platter. Do some internet searching on wedding invitation keepsake.
The reason is that your friend probably put a lot of thought into the invitation, and it tells a story that is meaningful to the people getting married. Rather than putting it in a drawer, it is a wonderful thing to be able to display the invitation - one of the few tangible things left after the wedding - so the newlyweds can enjoy it every day. And it will connect them to the joyous emotions of their celebration.
i'm confuse @amiramnoam
Get them $100 worth of steem and tell them to hold on to it and put thier first kid through college with it in 18 years
Great advice brother
Funny one friend @amirannoam but tire, these little things can give more happiness than million dollars.
Greey idea boss
Its really wonderful.
Oh, my marriage will come in my fate?
Marriage is a matter of great importance in everyone's life.
Therefore, it is good to give good quality gifts at the wedding ceremony.
This is really a great Idea.
It is a very valuable gift because the basket contains something that has a real life usage.
It's wonderful I love your writing lot continue to be thank you for sharing I'll wait for your next post
In my opinion, the gifts on such occasions can be any daily use utility item or a precious ornament.
please help my vote because i need your vote
Nice idea.. Actually we should give the couple things or necessities of life whether a vaccum cleaner or kitchen appliances.. As after starting their life they always in need of household and daily life things
very funny.. ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
thnx for sharing
i always following you.
Hahaha @amiramnoam nice post funny and helpful ๐๐ผ
it a different types of post i never seen this type post... every one post about festivals.. foods... life and steemit or others type .. but your post impresive... thanks for pleasure...
Haha very informative in a funny way. ๐๐ป
Great post dear @amiramnoam
Good Post Here
It is common for people to overlook the main necessities when moving into a new place together, specially when experiencing mayor events such as a wedding or buying a new house. I too love to put "baskets" of some sort together for the couple. I like to include basics such as great dish sponges, soap, rubbing alcohol, good quality paper towel, salt, candles, matches, trash bags and other odds and ends that although may seem quite basic, can be delightful to have when not previously thought of. Thanks for sharing;0)
Good Post....
Wedding look like go to jail never release and you will live the whole life in this .
Good content and quite interesting.
Nice post bro.well done!!!!
Muy bueno como siempre tus post muy interesantes, ahora en las tarjetas de invitaciรณn viene el regalo que se desea adquirir, le colocan efectivo o dolares!
Wow,amazing indian culture seven horses pic or radha- krishna statues gifted with wish that their life may full from happiness and love...
Wedding days are made like a king but after that all will think about the perfect life with a partner that we have entrusted all time, the attitude changes things we never buy tapih we buy it as small as you say that is not in feel by the youth : D @amiramnoam
@amiramnoam lol....a vaccum cleaner....๐
Good Home kitchen Appliances
To buy Them $100 steem now a days would be so useful in the coming days as the market is down now a days...Then in the next few days, would be so useful for others to sell and have alot of money...
great idea bro like your post.๐
If I have to get a gift for couple, IL directly ask them about there desire or the need of an hour.By doing this Ill gift them the gift of their choice. This may not be prettiest of all but this will surely Lower the burden of that thing from the shoulder of the guardians of the will surely b helpful for All. Try it @people #nation #world #brides #grooms
A great gift is to have the wedding invitation preserved
I almost gave 2 bitcoins as a wedding gift when they were around $250 each...but the husband disrespected me and bitcoin so I gave them $500 cash instead and kept the bitcoin...good lol
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This is the second time I laughed out loud reading your posts. The first was when you began the post saying, "If you are too lazy to read then please read the bold text." Now this one I laugh because it is so true.
In the past in America the bride and bridegroom would register at a department store and there they had their own "wish list" and family and friends would get a chance to buy the things on the "wish list". The problem was the family who got to the department store late found only a few items left on the wish list like washing machine and refrigerator when the people who came first bought the pots and pans.
In Korea weddings are much more serious business. Traditionally the bridegroom's family will provide a house and the bride's family will provide the furnishings. The guests of the wedding will offer cash in an envelope and the family will keep record. There is a lot of pressure in a wedding invitation in Korea. It is at the point now that a lot of guests just come and give the envelope of cash and leave because they are busy. If they don't give the cash present there are family problems to follow.
Rural weddings used to go on for several days with celebration but today's weddings can be rushed and business like.
About gifts... well honestly @amiramnoam if you liked the vacuum then try giving one of those robot vacuums. I don't know your price range but they start around 200 dollars.
Great idea :) good job
I always prefer to give cash amount or gift vouchers, to avoid any duplication of gifts and that they can buy whatever they would wish to. Weddings are an expensive affair and to an extent a lot of waste of money, specially the indian weddings, they do things for more showing off to people their status
In my hometown, there are very necessary things presented to the bride to take home with the husband from the brides parents. Like,
A blender,
A set of cooking pots,
Sets of drinking glasses and wine glasses.
Sets of Ankara materials to make dresses with.
Sets of cutlery
A refrigerator,
A native burner (peculiar to this part of the world).
Other times, baby bath, baby bed etc.
And lots of very essential items mama thinks of.