My Web 3 Journey poem type.

in #web3last year

Once was a time when the web was but new,
A playground of bytes, of static pages, a few.
Web 2.0 then came, with its social zest,
Bringing us together, putting friendships to the test.

And then came a whisper, a promise of a new dawn,
Of a Web 3.0, where old constraints would be gone.
Cryptos, blockchain, and tokens, terms so obscure,
Yet they promised a future, democratic and pure.

I ventured forth with caution, yet filled with a thrill,
Seeking to learn, to adapt, and to skill.
Challenges many, the road not smooth,
Yet with every fall, I found a new groove.

With the blockchain as my ledger, my actions inscribed,
In a network of trust, securely ascribed.
Data became mine, to own, to trade,
A personal treasure, no longer to evade.

Decentralized applications, DApps are called,
Gave me power over data, and I was enthralled.
No longer a pawn in the hands of a few,
I was a king in my realm, my confidence grew.

Cryptocurrencies came, with a new form of wealth,
Not just in coins, but in data and stealth.
Bitcoin and Ether led the race,
In this new world order, they found their place.

NFTs, tokens unique and rare,
Gave value to art, beyond compare.
Creations of mine now could take flight,
In the blockchain secured, with all their might.

From the shadows of ignorance, I emerged in the light,
With the power of Web 3.0, I took my flight.
It was not just a change, in how I perceived,
It was a metamorphosis, of what I could achieve.

So here I am, in this new world so vast,
With the wisdom of the present, and echoes of the past.
Web 3.0, a journey, an epic ride,
In its digital waves, I joyously stride.
