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RE: did we ever need the decentralised web?

in #web22 years ago

It took me some days (almost a week) to get a response out to you.

I very much agree, for most of us: centralised or decentralised data storage, organisations, and service doesn't matter at all. In fact, even in web2 when we gave our data to private corporates for them to make money with, I wonder if in web3 we may give much of our data as well, maybe even more than in web2? Since most of the data is on blockchains. Adding the fact that it's almost impossible to be fully anonymous. Plus the big push in behavioural analyses. I can imagine in the web3 space we fuel the market with more information than what we have been doing in web2 space. The difference is that in web2 we fed a limited set of private companies. Whilst in web3, any company can get to the raw data. Anyways, so much about that topic 😉

You ended your post with a great message! Collecting experiences to fill our own live bubble, and adding as much as possible 'joy' to it, or getting joy from our experiences is in the end a great way of looking at things. In the end, we seek happiness. And it's what we always have to keep in mind. Maybe we even shall make our decisions, with happiness in mind. In reality, this may not always be achievable, however, we shall at least try.