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The following information is useful for travelers and tourists around the World!
Highest temperatures are at the following capitals:
- Kuwait City -> 40 °C
- Niamey -> 39 °C
- Baghdad -> 39 °C
- Riyadh -> 38 °C
- Manama -> 37 °C
- Bamako -> 35 °C
Lowest temperatures are at the following capitals:
- Stanley -> 3 °C
- Nuuk -> 5 °C
- Canberra -> 6 °C
- Thimphu -> 7 °C
- Reykjavik -> 7 °C
- Wellington -> 10 °C
It's raining at the capitals:
- Majuro -> Sprinkles
- Moscow -> Sprinkles
- Reykjavik -> Light rain
- Sarajevo -> Light rain
- Tirana -> Light rain
- Washington DC -> Light rain
- Bogota -> Scattered showers
- Panama -> Scattered showers
- Honiara -> Drizzle
- Monrovia -> Drizzle
- Yaounde -> Drizzle
- Rarotonga -> Rain
- San Jose -> Heavy rain
- Ndjamena -> Thunderstorms
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