
Neither, actually, he moved to L.A. after WWII, so that he could attend the USC School of Music on the GI Bill. That's where I was born and raised, then moved to Florida in my mid-twenties, which is where I met my husband, who's originally from Poland.

I've never lived in Texas, though I did think of buying a house there after I split from my ex, though unfortunately I found out that my great-grandfather's house in Honey Grove went up for sale right after someone had already made an offer on it. C'est la vie.

My husband and I looked for property literally from coast to coast, and finally made an offer on the place where we live now, moving here in November, 2011. He wanted seasons and I wanted acreage. ;-)

Oh how interesting now you guys are out in the country? FL is great but just too dang hot and humid for my tastes.

I can relate, though Middle Tennessee is frigging COLD, and I'm ready for warmth again.

One thing about being a Sunbelt baby, I was usually putting in my main garden in the fall, and having everything come to a complete STOP this time of year, is just not natural to me.

I want to live again where I can garden year round. If I need to build multiple greenhouses here, I can deal with that, but LET ME BUILD THEM!!!

And FENCE OUT THE FRIGGING DEER. I am sick to death of them breaking my fruit tree branches, not to mention just breaking the tree trunks themselves.

I love deer, but I want them OUT OF MY ORCHARD!!!

Oh so you would rather move South again..what does your husband think about that? I understand what you're saying for sure. Have you tried any type of fencing yet?