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RE: Man Is Gobsmacked When He Finds A Treasure Hidden In His $4 Flea Market Purchase

in #wealth5 years ago (edited)

The majority of my friends know that I'm into natural healing, herbs, real food, yoga and meditation.

And, of course, not having kids has also helped to keep me young. ;-)

Whereabouts are you in north Texas? My dad was born in Honey Grove, about twenty miles due west of Paris, and went to school in Paris.

I also have an elder sister outside of Houston.


Howdy today crescendoofpeace! We're about 35 minutes North of Dallas. I think Paris is only an hour away. Did he move to TN or did you move from Texas? I love TN.

Neither, actually, he moved to L.A. after WWII, so that he could attend the USC School of Music on the GI Bill. That's where I was born and raised, then moved to Florida in my mid-twenties, which is where I met my husband, who's originally from Poland.

I've never lived in Texas, though I did think of buying a house there after I split from my ex, though unfortunately I found out that my great-grandfather's house in Honey Grove went up for sale right after someone had already made an offer on it. C'est la vie.

My husband and I looked for property literally from coast to coast, and finally made an offer on the place where we live now, moving here in November, 2011. He wanted seasons and I wanted acreage. ;-)

Oh how interesting now you guys are out in the country? FL is great but just too dang hot and humid for my tastes.

I can relate, though Middle Tennessee is frigging COLD, and I'm ready for warmth again.

One thing about being a Sunbelt baby, I was usually putting in my main garden in the fall, and having everything come to a complete STOP this time of year, is just not natural to me.

I want to live again where I can garden year round. If I need to build multiple greenhouses here, I can deal with that, but LET ME BUILD THEM!!!

And FENCE OUT THE FRIGGING DEER. I am sick to death of them breaking my fruit tree branches, not to mention just breaking the tree trunks themselves.

I love deer, but I want them OUT OF MY ORCHARD!!!

Oh so you would rather move South again..what does your husband think about that? I understand what you're saying for sure. Have you tried any type of fencing yet?