You have a good point up there. When i see write up like yours, i ask: would she have written it in another way if she was a guy ? Without saying the female folks are weaker, it is important to note that emotions in most cases take over their judgment (my personal opinion).
It is just 'unfortunate' that African women are seen as been inferior. The African man have this patriarchal view that he must dominate at all cost and do everything possible to break his woman.
A collapsed home cannot be said to be a problem of the man nor the woman but it based on either misunderstanding or one of them is tired and chose the 'funny' way.
Whichever way you want to look at it, we are responsible for the kind of 'woman' we create (both man and woman).
I love your point, you throughly can see my point of view, and yes if i was a man my opinion wont be biased!