 5 months ago (edited) 

It happens to the best if us from time to time. Always best to re-member when we feel anger, that the apparent external circumstances that upset us are projections of the mind. If we are able to real-eyes this in the moment we can then choose not to re-act, and instead to be still and quiet, putting our attention on the felt physical bodily sensations (the energy in motion from the kinks of consciousness/tensions), thus receiving the gift the apparent circumstance offered us. With repeated practice the tensions which cause the upsets will dissolve so similar upsets will occur less frequently (or will no longer upset us).

Once we have "done" this and come back to centre, no longer feeling angry, we are much more likely to be able to reply harmoniously (act rather than react) and create positive effect.

Sat Nam

This... would be useful in long term anger problems.

Thank you.

If you go for a walk and cool down, it might be something to reflect on. Why did they get under your skin?

The person was being sanctimonious and arrogant with no cause, using nonsense logic to talk down at me while being demanding. I had already informed this college that I was busy and other people were waiting on me and she proceeded to lecture me.

Lol. I'm over it now. But it made me mad.

Yeah I can’t stand bad behaviour like that.

Indeed.... 😔😔😔

Sorry to hear that!


Snark definitely has that effect 🤣

Indeed... 😔