There isn't a kitchen window, but not far away is a big sliding glass door outside of which is a catio which extends either way past the said door so we can't see parts of it, a short amount of backyard and then the back fence. I sometimes see the cats in the catio either lounging or playing if they're out there (they're sometimes in the house) and often see chickens strutting past doing chicken things. Not quite so epic but still pleasant and comfortable :)
Kitchen windows have definitely had worse views.
I agree. How's the view from your kitchen window?
There isn't a kitchen window, but not far away is a big sliding glass door outside of which is a catio which extends either way past the said door so we can't see parts of it, a short amount of backyard and then the back fence. I sometimes see the cats in the catio either lounging or playing if they're out there (they're sometimes in the house) and often see chickens strutting past doing chicken things. Not quite so epic but still pleasant and comfortable :)
Wow! This is really a beautiful view... Such panoramic view sometimes serve as a source of inspiration and also a way to appreciate nature.
Stunning Scenery 😍
It sure is✨
Lovely 😍
Not too shabby ;^)
P.S. I like your username ✨
Thanks ;)
Nice view. Happy Morning ⚘
Cheers and happy morning to you too ✨
Beautiful. Bet the whole world is joy for you right now.