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RE: Ecency waves Jul 01

in #waves9 months ago

Good, and I have also noticed you noticing me! got that right! This is why I don't add many people to favorites, because I will engage on every one of his or her posts. This, I'm sure you can imagine, can get quite overwhelming if you're not careful....hehe. It's true, every interaction inches is closer! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙



Well, in that sense, you are in my fav lists, along with very few others. However, on days like these, there are soooooooooooo many notifications that I can’t find the “new post” notifications back on the mobile Ecency app :-D
Filtering out replies to reply to is still quite manageable though, as you may have noticed :-D

So far I only have 3 accounts in my favorites, and you're one of them. Yeah, today is off the hook! I don't think I'm going to be able to finish before I need to go to sleep! I still haven't tried that! I just plough through everything! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


Keep ploughing my friend! The notifications will just keep coming :-D LOL

Exactly, and the more active that we are, and the more we engage, the more our notifications multiply! If I ever skipped a day, I'd be buried! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


I fear the day where I can’t find the time to go over all my notifications! It’ll say +99 and I’d just have to “mark seen” them all!


Exactly! Haha...I've never done that, at least not on purpose! I blast through all of them! The farthest behind I've fallen is two days, and man does it take some work to get caught back up from that point, so I'm religious about making certain that I do not fall behind! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


Lol!!! I can imagine!!! Nah, it’s been more then 2 days for me sometimes :-) When work and family both are demanding time at the same time, there’s often not much left for other things, such as Hive, or breathing and such ;-)

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