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RE: Ecency waves Jul 12

in #waves3 months ago

Yep, yet another similarity and reason that we get along so well! I've used Linux for over 12 years now, 6 years on Ubuntu, and the last 6 on Arch Linux. You can be forgiven for you minor transgression. Yep, the Unix/Linux shell rocks! If I had a spare computer, I'd install FreeBSD, as I'm rather fascinated by it, and I very much appreciate the engineering principles applied in its development. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙



Indeed! Yet another similarity!! 😂
Well, I’ve started on Yggdrasil Linux, then not too much later Red Hat, to rather quickly go to SUSE, and I was VeRY active there! I wrote their marketing quote “Linux: separating the men from the boys”, and codeveloped the ppp connection software.
After that I went Ubuntu, but heavily modified, mostly with Gnome & he Enlightenment, and WindowMaker frontends (for which I created many themes and some little tools as well).
Nowadays it depends on the use, but most of the times when installing a server, I default to CentOS or Archlinux.
I have been running FreeBSD a few times, and liked it😎 but never as a main system.


Yeppers! Damn, that was an early iteration of Linux! You've had an incredibly impressive bit of experience with Linux! Everything I know or know how to do, I learned it myself, and I'm still going strong! I think it's interesting that you use Arch as one of your server options. It is quite flexible and easy to set up as a server. Yeah, I've got to get FreeBSD installed on something soon! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


Yep, quite some experience here :-) I also learned everything myself. When I was in college, studying it, it was all windows NT, nothing else. For my graduation project, i had set up a 14 node Linux cluster 3d rendering engine. And they had no idea what I was doing. But they were f*ing impressed 😂😂😂

More than twice mine in terms of years and depth! Brilliant! Haha...I love it, and I so understand people not understanding. All the crazy shit that I've accomplished on my phones, computers, and networks, has been basically unappreciated (except by me!), because people had no idea about what I was! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Exactly that!!!
And I don’t care, on the contrary, I love it!!!

Yep, I knew you'd understand this well! I love being able to accomplish what I have by figuring it out myself, but I really miss being able to share my victories with people! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Same thing unfortunately, for sharing your successes, good friends that understand the accomplishment are most important. In corporate world its often dangerous, as someone else will steal it, or feel it as a threat…