
Indeed, which is a bit of a pity on one hand (not one tool with all functionality), but a good thing on the other hand, as it doesn’t bind you to one specific Frontend. But then again, it also makes the search harder to find the things that you need, even if you don’t even know yet that you would need them…

On the one hand it would be great if I could quickly, easily, efficiently, and effectively do everything that I need via one frontend, but I actually like being spread out across several, as it helps me understand Hive better, plus I also always have my beloved backups! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Yes indeed! I am struggling with the same duality there! Ideally it would be a good generic Frontend for most of the everyday stuff, and then good decent in-depth powertools for the more advanced stuff!
And backups! Very important for sure!!!

I figured. Different frontends just do things so much better then others, but no frontend does everything in an ideal way. Yes, I agree about the specialized powertools, which is a very UNIX/Linux way of doing things! Always backups, always! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Yup! My heart lies at the Linux kernel 😂 since over 25yrs already, and still! Although I do use Mac at home 😂 but that’s more for the imaging possibilities, and still the access to a decent Unix shell.

Yep, yet another similarity and reason that we get along so well! I've used Linux for over 12 years now, 6 years on Ubuntu, and the last 6 on Arch Linux. You can be forgiven for you minor transgression. Yep, the Unix/Linux shell rocks! If I had a spare computer, I'd install FreeBSD, as I'm rather fascinated by it, and I very much appreciate the engineering principles applied in its development. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


Indeed! Yet another similarity!! 😂
Well, I’ve started on Yggdrasil Linux, then not too much later Red Hat, to rather quickly go to SUSE, and I was VeRY active there! I wrote their marketing quote “Linux: separating the men from the boys”, and codeveloped the ppp connection software.
After that I went Ubuntu, but heavily modified, mostly with Gnome & he Enlightenment, and WindowMaker frontends (for which I created many themes and some little tools as well).
Nowadays it depends on the use, but most of the times when installing a server, I default to CentOS or Archlinux.
I have been running FreeBSD a few times, and liked it😎 but never as a main system.