
What I know is eating food filled with fibre, like Orange

I thought of that too, but wasn’t sure if that could help immediately. I’ll give her some tomorrow. Thank you

Oh okay, but have you got that checked out in the hospital?

No I haven’t. Our next hospital visit is in two weeks will mention it to the doctor.

Oh good, I hope he gets well soon 🌊♥️🙏

*She. Thank you!

Always welcome dear🙏♥️🌊

What time is it over there.
If it's late,
Please take her to see a doctor once it's morning and she is not fully recovered.

I always gave my kids stewed prunes and they still love them now that they are adults! Are punes a thing that's available there?

Carom seeds water always works for my baby 😅

Thanks for this, I’ll find out more about this and try it

Hope you find it useful 😊
Have a great day 🙏

Thank you. Have a great day too

Try more fiber rich food, and little raisins help a lot!

Thank you so much. Heard blended apples do the trick. Would give it a try too

Apples can do the opposite. My baby gets constipated by apples. So I stick to bananas and raisins 🫶🏻 also dragon fruit does wonders !

Oh wow thanks for this. She loves bananas a lot so maybe I’ll go with that instead