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RE: Ecency waves Nov 18

in #waves4 months ago

It is snowing and cold, so I am cooking duck.

Did you know that duck meat is considered a warming food in traditional medicine, Its rich fat content and nutrient density can provide warmth and energy, suitable when the weather is cold.


Duck is quite expensive here so I don't have it often

I know, not much meat in it either. Haha. Expensive here too and not much on the supermarket shelf. At my mum's yard in the Philippines - plenty of ducks running around but no one wants to butcher them.

It is hot here.
Heat is much.

Enjoy your duck.

Owww, you need cooling food then. Hehe. here is freezing, but I'm gonna go out there to do some stuff.

Oh wow.
I can see.
Lots of snow.
Please be safe out there.

Thanks 👍

You are welcome 😊

Wow I didn't know about it. Thanks for sharing

You are welcome 😊

Looks yummy, enjoy😊

Thank you 😊

You are welcome 😊

Look so yummy 😋😍😍😍

Yes, it’s delicious! I’ll post how I cook it.

Thank you 😊🩷

Yummy 😋🤤

Cooked! Will post the recipe later. 👍

It looks more delicious after fully cooked