
You will get a new one right?

For sure.

Alright dear 😊

Wow that sounds like a commitment. I've heard of drinking some cider vinegar. Is the lack of acid reflects what you hoped would happen.

This is the thing you need to know about this. Acids like vinegar and lemon juice trigger a natural defence mechanism in our body. The body reacts to the acid by flooding it with calcium to neutralise the acid bringing us to a neutral PH.

Nice verse, drinking milk releases acid to counter the alkalinity in our bodies to bring us to a neutral PH.

That’s why we also need foods with high calcium.

I heard this method done using Apple cider too

It doesn’t really matter the vinegar. I just prefer the taste of Malt Vinegar.

You’ll get the same benefits with lemons as well.

Just make sure you’ve also got calcium rich foods in your diet such as milk and cheese.

Got it. Never had Malt vinegar before. Thanks for the advise