I've gathered some HD stats for November for my WAVES node 0.7.9 (which is on mainnet):
- there seems to be some discrepancy in size from users (see here: 4.5 GB for mainnet? 90 GB for testnet?)
- I'd be interested how much WAVES needs on your HD (I am ignoring now that you also need to consider JAVA size, ...; I'm only considering the waves data directory)
I've marked in orange when the size shrunk:
- that the peers.dat file shrinks is "normal" since - likely - your peer nodes will get cleaned/checked from time to time
So, my current data dir size is 10.4 GB, and the state.dat file makes about 82% of it:
- considering other coins (e.g. BTC): the size is still "moderate"
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One of the users reports that his state.dat file has now 124 GB (and this makes 95% of all the size), see here.