
That’s a long trip homie, be safe. My last big one was Oregon to Alabama. 2775 miles in 56 hours.

Yep, I am a beast like that, 😂

Personally, I walked across France in my youth and would not do it again now.

That’s actually pretty cool 😎

It was a good experience but now my body wouldn’t do it anymore.

Mine either, 😂

That’Sa big stretch. The storm detours have added about 400 miles to the drive. So we’re somewhere over 1,600 on this one. Going up to Michigan was about 1,200.

Man up and drive through that ish, 😂

We are committed now. Can’t undrive yesterday’s leg.

I need 2 hour naps to be able to push long drives. How do you manage?

Sheer determination, lol, and a crap ton of coffee and 5 hour energy shots, lol. It was a cross country move, not a trip, and I was solo driving. Was on a shoe string budget with no money for hotels. My big van that my dog and I were living in for 4 years died a month before the move so I had to rent a mini-van and had zero room to lay down. So I stopped and rested here and there, but was just ready for it to be over.

I might do the same. I push more on my own than when I have my family with me. I don’t subject them to savage mode.

I’m there with you on coffee and 5 Hour Energy drinks. But the cat naps are highly invigorating too.

Yeah I crashed for like 3 days after, 😂

And yeah, it’s much different riding solo than with the fam.

Personally, I walked across France in my youth and would not do it again now.