 4 months ago (edited) 

Or, maybe you should create a pool with those questions, with the condition that only one is correct...

all three numbers indicate a hypertensive crisis?

It depends on what you call the crisis. With B, you can live, but it's not healthy; doctors recommend diet (here). C is high, and doctors also recommend diet, but D is very high, and doctors recommend diet and pills.

doctors recommend diet alone for a Blood Pressure that is 180/120mmHg?

That's my case. First, the doctor started with the diet for me, and when the diet, after some months, didn't work then, I tried for a few months various pills to find which was best for me. For the last six years, I have used a pill a day for Blood pressure, and it's ok now for me. But it depends. It's not the same for others. There are different causes of high blood pressure. Otherwise, not being a doctor, I can't give an opinion on this except from my own experience.

 4 months ago (edited) 

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I am sure having to go through all that was no small feat.

However, when it comes to blood pressure readings, the general consensus agreed upon by health bodies worldwide is that a reading of 180/120mmHg or higher is termed a hypertensive crisis, which can lead to life-threatening complications.

Values below 180/120mmHg are generally worrying but are not associated with fatal outcomes.

Concerning the initiation of medications to regulate blood pressure, it usually varies between countries and medical bodies...but managing an elevate blood pressure of 180/120mmHg with diet alone is generally considered dangerous and could lead to potentially lethal or life altering complications.

You should look out for my extensive blogpost series on hypertension. It would help clear up any foggy areas. Plus, I am happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Ok. But, as I said, the first was the diet; it always starts with diet, and the second was pills. Many times, doctors say that "white-collar syndrome" when you are afraid of doctors and the blood pressure goes high without reason... but, as you said, 180/120 is dangerous; all agree with that and could lead to complications. Thanks for the debate.