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RE: Ecency waves Jan 21

in #waves8 months ago

uh oh!

Broke my glasses.
I woke up to fix issues of 3Speak & the moment I tried to put it on 💥 👓 gone



Oh sorry friend
What are you going to do about that

That thing is broken. No going back now. I've a backup which I'm using now. I'll have to buy another backup over the weekend.

Oh, the nightmare of those of us who wear glasses 🥺. Sorry. 💛

Luckily, I've a back up. But I'll have to buy another backup this weekend.

Yes, always have to have a spare pair of glasses, otherwise you have to give them a non-aesthetic surgery 🤭. Excellent 👍🏻


thank you for your reply. it's non-repairable discontinued lenskart-air specs. it has no nut-bolts. gone case :(

Sorry about that

Just 2 months & broken. Feels sad. I'm gonna complain about this & see if I can get refund or replacement.

So sorry about that dear.

Hope the 3speak issues was fixed? Because it will be sad to still go back to fixing two things now.


yep 3speak issues were fixed.

specs, I've switched to side/extra-pair. and raising customer support ticket for the broken one.

Alright dear.

You are doing great.

All broken things can be fixed. The hard part is deciding that they're worth fixing.

contacting support now. Let's see if I can get something in return or not. just 6 months. very short life.

Oh no! It looks right at the hinge, is it something you could fix with a repair kit with the tiny screws and screwdriver for glasses, or is the arm totally broken?
I'm glad you at least have a backup pair!

thank you for reply
unfortunately it's not repairable. it's lenskart-air & this model is discontinued.
I'll use backups as main now.

Sorry about that friend


thank you for your reply.

it happens. I've backups which I'm using as main.

Oh then that's great friend