Depends on what you are looking to achieve. If left to me, I think learning something that is practicable with immense utility would be the way to go... My first option would be "how to win friends and influence people"... Very valid and cogent skill in this day and age.
Homeopathy? Investing in Bitcoin? Permaculture? Basket making? 😇🥰😄👍🥳😍
Seems interesting! Thanks
Depends on what you are looking to achieve. If left to me, I think learning something that is practicable with immense utility would be the way to go... My first option would be "how to win friends and influence people"... Very valid and cogent skill in this day and age.
Thanks for your valuable suggestions!
Learning how to integrate un-integrated emotions is very valuable.
Thanks for suggestions! 😊
If you know something, or any particular hobby, just stick on to it by doing more research in it.
You are right! Thanks