
I have three big phobias: bugs, heights, and deep water. 😅 I'm better about them than I used to be for the bugs and water, but they still scare the pee out of me. With the heights, I think a lot of it is because I get vertigo.
Everyone who sees me freak out over a bug is like, "it's more afraid of you" or "it can't hurt you (usually)" and I'm like I KNOW. Phobias aren't logical. LOL

Haha.. It seems that we each have our own weaknesses. As for me, I'm afraid of clowns, airplanes, and small spaces. These things easily trigger panic attacks for me.

It's 4:24pm here.

My biggest fear right now is not affording to feed myself.

Hmm..I fear of getting sick and I can't look after my family. 😔

That too is among 😩