Hmmm this is so true.
No two individuals are the same including identical twins.
They may have great similarities but they definitely have a distinct difference
Thank you for sharing.
I honestly would love to have twin kids when I get married.
So I'll keep this for them incase it happens 😂
It will by God grace.. I really love twins and I prayed for it. I was really surprised when the scan result confirmed that it's a multiple pregnancy.. so indeed God answers prayers and there is power in the tongue.
It will be God grace.. I really love twins and I prayed for it. I was really surprised twhen the scan result confirmed that it's a multiple pregnancy.. so indeed God answers prayers and there is power in the tongue.
I key into It too.
I really love twins.
Congratulations 🎉
Yes God answers prayers and there's tremendous power in our tongue 🙏