Well. HIVE is an oscillator. I have seen it reached above 3
During 2022 I bought at 1.25
In that year I decided it was better to scrap the coin on Binance than Staking in HP.
This year 2024, after discovering Ecency.com I plan to run a dual strategy :👇
👉 Staking Saving in HP
👉 Scrapping the oscillating wave 🌊
For example you buy 100 hive at 0.29 and sell them at 0.03
3 cents * 300 =$9
Buy again at 0.29 and send the $9 to HP
I'm not a trader. All the Hive I have was earned organically. Most of my Hive gets staked, although I occasionally buy some 2nd layer tokens. I have seen my tokens reach above $8 back in the beginning on the legacy chain.