You are very intelligent and your ideas are fresh, you are always looking to learn something, you are too critical And demanding because you think that if you try as hard as you do, others should do the same. But I advise you that even if you are always right, you should respect the opinions of others. Thank you for reading me and if you have any comments, let me know if you agree with this description.
If the first thing you saw was the lioness. You let yourself be guided by your instincts and you are not afraid to let them out even though sometimes they make you act irrationally. Let me give you some advice, be careful because sometimes you hurt those who love you. TRUE
Tbh I saw the gorilla and the lioness at the same time, but I focused on the gorilla first. I mean, at the first sight I saw both animals, but then I focused on the gorilla, then the lioness, then the tree and then the fishes.
Well if you noticed the gorilla it is very likely that it is because your ideas are fresh. And therefore your intelligence is giving you a lot of ground. I only advise you to respect the opinions of others and you will do better.
I saw gorilla first
You are very intelligent and your ideas are fresh, you are always looking to learn something, you are too critical And demanding because you think that if you try as hard as you do, others should do the same. But I advise you that even if you are always right, you should respect the opinions of others. Thank you for reading me and if you have any comments, let me know if you agree with this description.
a face of women with high pony..
A gorilla, a lioness, a tree and two fishes.
If the first thing you saw was the lioness. You let yourself be guided by your instincts and you are not afraid to let them out even though sometimes they make you act irrationally. Let me give you some advice, be careful because sometimes you hurt those who love you. TRUE
Tbh I saw the gorilla and the lioness at the same time, but I focused on the gorilla first. I mean, at the first sight I saw both animals, but then I focused on the gorilla, then the lioness, then the tree and then the fishes.
Well if you noticed the gorilla it is very likely that it is because your ideas are fresh. And therefore your intelligence is giving you a lot of ground. I only advise you to respect the opinions of others and you will do better.
That's ok, thank you very much.