There are 2 pages

Common Buzzard in Hungarian hides!!!!

Cool 😅👌👌👌👌👌👍😋☕

Such a fantastic shot...

May similarity ba?

Look here cutie 🙋‍♀️

Yeahhh very cute

So precious!

With great appreciation

Hola amigos!!Buenas tardes para todos🙌🏼 espero esten teniendo una hermosa tarde! Un saludo, soy nueva aquí en @ecency , espero esta aplicación sea de mi agrado y pueda conocer muchas amistades!

Welcome to @ecency! Seems like you have found your feet on Hive quite fast. If you need anything, just let us Surfers know (people using waves) and we will help 🤗

Claro poco a poco verás que si, saludos ✌️



🙌🏼Gracias, tengan una noche especial!!!

¡Te mando una cálida bienvenida, @lienw18, a Hive y a Ecency! HIve es un ecosistema grande y hay much para aprender, entones tómalo poco a poco, un pedazo a la vez. Hay un montón de gente amable aquí para ayudarte en tu camino. ¡Espero que tu tiempo aquí sea verdaderamente maravilloso! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Muchas gracias🙏🏻 Espero poder compartir cada día de mi experiencias acá en esta agradable aplicación @Ecency, aprecio el apoyo brindado a todos!!

Welcome to Hive! I noticed you found the FreeCompliments community recently. I think you'd have a blast with the Selfie Saturday posts (post selfies every Saturday!). We reward our users quite generously. Looking forward to seeing you there!

¡Bienvenido a Colmena! Noté que recientemente encontraste la comunidad FreeCompliments. Creo que te divertirías muchísimo con las publicaciones de Selfie Saturday (¡publica selfies todos los sábados!). Recompensamos a nuestros usuarios con bastante generosidad. ¡Esperamos verte allí!

Bienvenida a hive 🤘


Privado ID has launched a Privacy-Preserving Identity Solutions that leverages Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) to allow individuals and organizations to validate their credentials without revealing sensitive personal information.

Sounds great

bee HIVE is where bees are kept in crypto HIVE is where _________ are kept??? 🤣🤣🤣

Hello, better post in the main blog section, BUT if you want short meme post, this is the right place.


Aww, Cute baby

Babies are all cute and beautiful

Hello everyone


Hello have a nice and happy day

Even though you don't top the class, you are still the champion in your mother's heart.
The best for me..

#waves #ecency #hive #indonesia

LuckyAnt's Bitcoin NFTs Collection is now available on BlueMove Marketplace, powered by SUI Blockchain. Collect your ''Asian View'' NFT today. Limited Supply.

First Rain 🌧️ of the Season...

Rainy season is always loved by people

It's my season 😃😀



Wow they finally released Assange from prison. God bless him. 14 years

I'm just praying that they didn't release him to assassinate him. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

I know I heard the same thing. :(

Things are moving fast now, and definitely getting crazier, so I wouldn't at all put it past them. He knows so many of their deep, dark secrets, so I really do hope he's protected. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

I remember walking past the place he was being kept at in London around ten years ago. There was constantly a BBC van or something similar outside. Always a lot of police. There were some form of comms set up there for secure conversations, literally a cable being run through an upstairs window.

Practicing skulls. How do they look?

Looking very accurate, how long do they take to draw?

Thank you very much. Friend, I think it took me about 45 minutes, I was very relaxed at that moment.


Haha thanks

You're welcome☺

I’d drink with them. They look great and lifelike

Thanks very much buddy

Looks Amazing.. You are great Artist...

Hello! Thank you so much

Truly epic. I want to return to drawing, but I need more free time for it 😢

I understand you and the same thing happens to me. You can try to draw something simple, art is emotions, look for something that moves you and make a sketch

Wow you're good

After all Hive is a very deep place, although it's not as accessible as web2 apps, it has a lot of users. And if you know how to search well, you could find hidden jewels, very talented creators that make this place shine 😉✨

True. Though I like the idea of getting my friends to come join also. Lol

Ecency devs are working on an easy way for your friends to come join Waves!

I had never used the Ecency app until a few weeks ago and I could say it's a very useful tool, I just helped 3 friends to join Hive this past sunday and they find it easier to post here from their cellphone. What's more difficult on Hive is precisely posting, HTML and markdown makes it a lot harder to post than on other platforms, and editors are very unintuitive, the good part is that we can customize our posts a lot. I've been thinking that making an editor with integrated visualizer would be cool (check Obsidian app to know what I mean).

I have created every post that I have ever made on Hive using the Ecency app. Often it's only a matter of finding your way around.
Offer suggestions in Ecency Discord #suggestions channel. Devs are always open to new ideas!

I will definitely do it, as this platform has a lot of potential.

On the app... To see what you are creating in Editor

I know that exists, but I meant something quicker and easier. Like an editor combined with the visualizer. Obsidian is the perfect example, it shows you the markdown symbols when writing a specific paragraph only. And hides it when not needed, showing you the final result in real time. It could work the same way with HTML for Hive.

Please suggest in Discord!

Today I am waiting for a plumber and also preparing for a job interview tomorrow.

Good luck. How long have you been looking? Almost two years for me this time (had income but it wasn’t always stable enough). I start with my local airport tomorrow doing a modified version of what I was already doing, so hopefully it won’t be too hard to pick up

I work sporadically for various companies but I am hoping this new job will be a full time job.

I am somewhat nervous.

I’ve struggled all of my life and I am very close to needing to go on welfare again and I really don’t want to.

Good luck. Can definitely relate there. Will this be a new experience or an extension of something you’ve already done? If I’m lucky, this will be same old same old what I’ve been working

It's working in a different area of something I have already done. I'm nervous as Hell because I really want this job.

The location for this one is why I’m taking it; there’s about 20 different companies vying for employees there. I need the stable income but expect to be let go within the first 4 months (due to the company having such a high turnover rate).

Yeah, the turnover rates are a worry. One of my former companies had a high turn over rate because the workplace was so toxic.

Good luck with both!

The plumber didn’t show up, but I am preparing for the interview now.

Wish you good Luck..

Thank you. I am a little nervous.

Don't worry, just believe in yourself... pray to god and move ahead ....

Waiting for a good news soon 🤞🏻

Thank you.

I love thrift and discount stores. My entire outfit cost me under $50 but was required for my first day on the job. These shoes are gonna kill me, though 🥲 #employment #pepe #waivio #mydiary

Wish you good Luck 👍🏻

Looks good! Thrift stores are the best! Hope you have fun at the new job.

Before appearing at the graduation ceremony yesterday..

#waves #ecency #hive #indonesia #activity

Congrats to each of them!

Thanks you so much... 🥰🥰🥰

@atlashv96 Thank you so much for the sweet words, it's very motivating. The screenshot below explains it all hehehe

Why are there not much engagement here on waves?

Do you think waves need to start some form of contest to get every hivers on here?

ECENCY Devs are making changes to Waves that will bring more Wavers!

Let me know if you want to sponsor a contest. I'm happy to help promote and send you some Points for prizes!

Oh okay. That's a good idea. Kudos to the devs for all their good work.

Sure I will let you know whenever I have the idea for one.

There is already leadership reward..


I haven't heard about that before. Care to elaborate or tell me where I can get more info about this.

when you click on notification in ecency app, right hand side you will get the Leaderboard, as per your engagement, you will earn the point, Every week @melinda010101 ma'am gives reward to top 10 of the leadership Board...

Hope you get it now ......

You can clear your doubt, if any..

Yes I do. Thank you for the info. I'll see if I can make the top 10 this week.

Wish you good Luck...

I asked a question, what is the best advice you would give to a newbie on Hive? and the consistent answer was one "ENGAGEMENT" #waves #ecency

Engagement is key to growth.

you're absolutely right on that brother

I agree!

Absolutely dearest Mel, I'm privileged to have great friends like you and my Ecency family. Couldn't have come this far without you

Totally agreed 👍🏻

Thank you dear

Yeah... engagement and consistency

Absolutely dearest those are the recipes for Hive success

Experimenting with markdown and HTML and ENGAGING!

with the HTML and markdown do you mean quality posts? 🤔

Yeah, just learning to use them.

Hehehehee good one

Have you seen the movie? 😂
So much fun

Not yet but that's actually one of my favorite actors so I can imagine hahaha

"Get Hard". You'll have a laugh with that movie

I'm definitely adding it to my list hehehe

Sometimes I feel like somebody's watching me lol.

It's scary😂

Remember to give him an occasional hug! 😍

Hahaha.. exactly somebody watching you...

Worrying about tomorrow is a sure way to ruin today.

Accepted 👍🏻

I hope you all have cool summer day here in Hive ❤🌺🙏👍👍👍👍😋 here is day warm and sweet when I walk in forest.

Blue skies and daisies! Looks like a perfect day!

Yes I just need cold drink now 🍹🍹🍹🍹🧃🧉🧊

Is beautiful ❤🌸

The bad news just keep coming these days.
Perhaps it was not such a great idea to start this "fix me" journey

Oh no! Hope it gets better soon!

Guess what. You can become a Hive whale. You'll have to work for it lots for quite some time, but you can do it! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

I wish to become whale 😜 it is not easy...

Ditto that here, and you said it! My Ultimate Hive Goal is to become a millionaire Hive whale 🐳 fairy 🧚‍♂️, so that one, I can easily live off the dust of my account's interest, and two, to sprinkle goodness all over the Blockchain, helping lift as many people as I can! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Thats really great, I wish all your wishes fulfill soon..

Thankie muchly, I really appreciate that! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
Good Night Sleep GIF

Today is HHH Live day with @ph1102 in Ecency Discord. It is a day to ask questions or talk about anything you want! Join us and I'm sure you will learn something. I always do!

Hello inventing with crayons. If you like my work of making daily art, vote, your vote helps a lot. Thank you

it's really an Amazing Art... 👍🏻

Ratri(रात्रि)-- The Night

Night, darkness, and solitude are sources of strength

Link Below......👇👇👇

Subh ratri 🙏

Shubh Ratri.

Subh Ratri 👍🏻


What you find on an Actifit Stroll

Good day fellas I'm Bhaloh, new here and will love to be guided closely 🙏🙏
Thanks a lot


Thanks a lot ☺️

You are welcome here. Have fun around in a pure way

Sure, thanks 🙏

Thomas and friends themed cake😍🎂🎂🎊


I know righttt😋


Is it made by you ??




Indeed, because their inner compass is not functioning. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


Happy Thursday @tydynrain


I've noticed that it's quite a thing with many people. Thanks much, Jimmy, I appreciate it! Happy Friday now! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


Truth 👍🏻

untitled.gif @gargi !ALIVE

Are you using Ecency website to send GIF ??

Just images @gargi gifs usually in PeakD, DBuzz and inLeo threads

yea, you are correct 👍🏻

I thought there is option of Sending GIF via ecency site...

Thanks for the information

Dungeons and dragons time tonight ❤️

Dice Game ??

Do you think more videos content that's easily accessible like tiktok would be a game changer for Hive...?

I share my thoughts about it in my latest post here

Piece of cake 🎂

Just be hopeful brother and all will be right.

Hope doesn't produce results. Powering Up, yes
👉 It is a golden opportunity to buy cheap HIVE

hope to see better market..

A good friend of mine asked me what I like so much about Ecency my response - The mobile app version and the Favorites Feature. It turns the godmode button of engagement hahahaha

Hahahah 🤣 God mode button 😜

Absolutely sis, hahahahaha, I'm now back online, I had so many things to do. But happy it's all sorted so let me go back to engaging hehehe

Saludos ✌️, buenas tardes, dejo link 🙂

Greetings ✌️, good afternoon, I leave a link 🙂

Carrying out experiment on eggs of different poultry birds(duck,quail, fowl and turkey) testing for the shell thickness, weight of shell, yolk and so on 😎

Pumpkin Seed Was Here 🎃 🎃 🎃

Home only,am very sad Today 🥺🥺

What happened...
Do whatever you love to do will feel better 😊

Cheer up, I felt bad these days but little by little things are getting better.

Can understand, 'm also sad these days but nothing in my hand, can't change the situation, leave everything on God... He has better plans than ours...

Keep smiling 😀

Hope you feel better now.
Reach out if you need someone to talk to

My most recent ring from my collection 🦋


Mi anillo más reciente de mi colección 🦋

Beautiful Ring...n

Thank you very much, it has become one of my favorites 😊 I had a hard time deciding which one to buy because there was a variety 💚

Good choice..

Nice ring💦

Oh yes, it really fascinates me 😊💚

Good morning friends 🌻
Here the weather is quite pleasant....
Wish you all a great day 😊🙏

Good morning🌞

Good Morning and Have a great day

GM annd enjoy the weather..

Yh dear....
Have a great day 😊


Very Good Morning 🌞☕, Enjoy the nice wheather 👍

Hello everyone🙋🏻‍♀️ how are you?

Fine ❤️❤️ you?

I'm fine also, thank you so much😊

Good, and you?

'm fine, What about you ??

I’m fine thank you🙏🏻😊

Dinner time
Today mother went to the market and brought spicy pakora 😋😋
Good night😴
#wave #ecency #foodie

Outside food is always tasty 😜

Yes, but not better than mom😊👍

There are 2 pages