
Looks like you will be eating well!

@clareartista and I are eating very well, since we got together ❤️

The fruits look yummy and tasty. You'll certainly enjoy this one. Have a great weekend you both.

Thank you and likewise!

These fruits are fresh and delicious, healthy food.

You’re enjoying☺️☺️🧡

You can do it daily? That’s just awesome.

Aye: having been away for a few months, there is soooo much fruit unpicked nearby... I'm one of the few who goes to harvest, and it's fab to have a foraging partner now - which means we can carry more home! 😋

Sounds like fun to me and healthy ❤️

Are they to be cooked before eating, look tasty 😋

These are all fruits. They can be eaten fresh or juiced.

Alright, thank you.

What the name of fruit?

These are pompelmo/ grapefruits, manderines, blood oranges and a lemon 😄

Healthy and fresh fruits always provide the body with the adequate nutrients it needs. Looks delicious 😍

Is that from your own trees?? Very nice, I remember when visiting Sicily that often people let those fruits fall on the ground and leave them there... What a waste

Preciso - we gathered all of these fruits from unharvested trees: some are sorted from many that had dropped, during strong winds this weekend. They are wonderful fruits, so full of vitality and nutrition 💪🥰

and no pollution, chemicals and so on, all organic