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RE: Ecency waves Jul 20

in #waves2 months ago

Talking about bodies of water…
The water in this forest lake has risen so high from all the rain of the past months, that the shore is just gone. Which is a pity, because I used to go down there alit, as it allowed for simply great pictures


Its a lake?

Yes indeed

Ok. Do some kayaking.

Tempting, but not sure if I can reach the water with a kayak!

Ok, don't risk.

Could/should give it a try though!!!

You just got DOOKed!
@borniet thinks your content is the shit.
They have 24/30 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Same with my river. The sandy beaches along the shore line are gone.

Yeah, same here indeed with the rivers and canals. I’m keeping a close eye on the canal. The one you often see in my pictures? We live on the banks of it. If it floods, the first thing it passes by is our house.
And they have just forecasted heavy rainstorms again for tonight… I don’t expect it to be that bad, but still…

We have another rainy day predicted tomorrow. If it's just normal rain we should be ok, but so often these days our weather is extreme.

That’s what we see here as well, way too many rainy days (we had like 25 non-rain days so far in 2024!). And on top of that, it often doesn’t just rain, it floods.
Extreme weathers, I think I heard about those before

The National Weather Service is now calling heavy rain falls 'aerial flooding'. As if there is a flood in the sky.

Lol!!! Don’t you just LOVE all those euphemisms these days??? They hurt my brain more than the original terms have ever hurt my feelings! 😂😂😂

Are you also located in Europe btw?

No, in Wisconsin in the US.

Ah! Wisconsin! Heard about the weather over there!!! lol!
Also that much rain this year???

Ridiculous amounts of rain and severe storms and tornados. Sunny and dry this week though, so maybe the weather pattern is changing..

Quite similar here… except for the tornados. Well no, we had one in Belgium last week. Here as well, better for a little under a week, but tonight it’s back again…