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RE: Ecency waves Dec 25

in #waves9 months ago

Hey DBuzzers.

Are you aware of the Decentralised Hive Fund to fund projects which support Hive ecosystem. If enough votes on a project it is funded. Plenty in the kitty!

Please vote this very useful Open Source project by @bambukah

Link in reply

Wave Media


That proposal has my /Good-Karma's vote!

We need the Hive Open Source "Discord" equivalent to be developed further to bring all the Hivers on Dickscord back to Hive more.
@chrisrice, can you guys do?
It needs "tickets" for one thing i hear.

Posted via D.Buzz

Do you have coding skills?

Posted via D.Buzz

Yes I have. I can help 😀

We are doing our best, and Chat.D.Buzz is one of the top things I'm interested in developing further.

Our Hive Proposal funding will allow us flexibility and resources to do so . . in my view, Sting by and @mirafun is one of the best developments on HIVE in years.

Posted via D.Buzz

Great. @mehmetfix seems interested in helping and says he has the skills, in case you didn't know.

Following up now . . messaging you on Chat.D.Buzz @mehmetfix.

Posted via D.Buzz

I am waiting for you 😀

DM on sent!

Posted via D.Buzz

Cool we will