Water Kefir and Water Kiefer Grains FAQ

in #water8 years ago

Ok guy, water kiefer also know as tibocus is an under water culture. I have heard it is actually a kind of mushroom/fungi. I Always turn into a real fun guy when I drink the stuff! It is probiotic meaning that is it a super positive addition to anyones diet. Even though they are called Grains there is no actual grain like corn, wheat, or rice. It's a great juice, beer, and soda replacement. Also if you are can't have dairy but want the probiotic value of Kiefer then this is perfect for you.

Culture Care.
I personally use gallon glass jars.
They need lids or you will need to put a towel and a rubber band or twine to hold it on. The whole point is to keep flies out. It shouldn't be air tight or it will explode.

If dried fruit then 1 or 2 cups
If fresh then 3 to 4 pieces of any fruit about the size of an apple. Just make sure you have about that much fruit it can be more or less.
3 cups of sugar.
Water Kiefer Grains.
A pinch of magnesium.
A pinch of calcium.
You can buy calcium or you can make it. To make it take you excess egg shells, preferably from free range chicken but what ever you have will do. Take those shells wash them put them in a baking pan and bake then at 200 for an hour. They will sound much more brittle when your done. Next put them in your blender and powder them. Thats it.
As for the magnesium I got mine from sprouts you maybe need to call around or order it online. Food grade epsom salt works well to. Once again the calcium and magnesium are not necessary just good for the culture. Once it's all mixed together stir all the ingredients together in the jar or whatever your using. Leave the lid, if you have a lid to use, just loose enough to allow a pressure release. If you leave it for 3 days it will be slightly alcoholic but mostly just sweet 4 to 5 it will turn sour but be very alcoholic. It's all preference at this point. If you leave it to long it will kill the Grains. Once it's done fermenting take the liquid and put it into something that will lock in the pressure. I use the 4 liter wine bottles and a few flip top pressure locking bottles. Anything that holds the pressure will do. After about 3 to 5 hours check the pressure. It might bubble over so do it in a bowel or the sink. If it does then put all of it in the fridge and once it's chilled try it out. I can usually taste, very distinctly the flavor of what ever fruit I used and it's just super tasty regardless. Well that's all for today.


This stuff tastes ssooo good. In my opinion it is better than soda pop, wine, and alcohol. You can make it weak enough to serve to children (a bit extra sugary) or strong enough to knock any man off his feet. Regardless the alcohol content, it is packed full of probiotics, can be used as a VERY effective underarm deodorant (hence fixing bacteria instead of attempting to poison it to death and cover it up with smells), and (as long as it has been made right) it is always delicious... Sometimes even dangerously delicious. Lol! One minute you're drinking a sweet cold carbonated soda, next thing you know everyone is passed out drunk... No hangovers! Thanks gangacon!

I second her statement lol.

I'm so trying this. Thanks!