Honey and cinnamon - a panacea for all diseases

in #water7 years ago


It was found that a mixture of honey and cinnamon cures most diseases. Ancient medicine used honey for centuries. Modern scientists also recognize honey as a very effective tool for treating all kinds of diseases, and without any complications. Modern science says that although honey and sweet, taking it at a certain dose as a medicine does not harm diabetics.
Honey should be Natural, Raw and Unpasteurized. If the label says: Pure is most likely pasteurized. It is best to buy honey, on the label of which it is written: Raw (RAW) or Unpasteurized. The difference is that the pasteurization of honey neutralizes all enzymes in it.


Every morning for half an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before going to bed, drink a mixture of honey with cinnamon (powder), pre-brewed in a cup of boiling water. If you take the mixture regularly, it will reduce the weight of even the thickest person. Also, regular intake of this mixture does not allow fat to accumulate.
The mixture is prepared in the evening before bedtime.

  1. 1 part cinnamon for 2 parts raw honey. 1 tsp per 1 tsp. honey is recommended, although you can use more or less quantity, keeping the proportion 1: 2. So, for example: 1 tsp of chicken per 2 tsp of honey is also OK.

  2. Boil 1 cup of water.

  3. Pour the cinnamon and cover for 1/2 hour to insist.

  4. Add honey when the mixture cools. High temperature destroys enzymes and other useful properties of raw honey !!!

  5. Drink 1/2 of the mixture right before bedtime. Cover the other half with a lid and put in the refrigerator.

  6. In the morning, drink the remaining half from the refrigerator, do not reheat! Drink only when refrigerated or at room temperature.
    Do not add anything to this recipe. Neither lemon nor vinegar. No need to drink more often. It only acts on an empty stomach and especially at night. It helps almost everyone. The waist is reduced to weight reduction. This program leads to a significant decrease in the waist ... but having reached a certain weight loss, you can not lose weight further. This is because cinnamon with honey produces a purifying effect on the digestive tract and destroys parasites and other fungi and bacteria that slow digestion ... causing the formation of toxic deposits (lowers the "pH" - the alkaline reaction of the blood).

Once this is all cleared, most likely your weight loss will stop.

Other side reactions from cleansing may appear due to the release of toxins ... If this happens, reduce the amount of intake of the mixture or take a break.


Daily eat bread for breakfast, smeared with jam paste from honey and powder of cinnamon. This lowers cholesterol in the arteries and saves a person from a heart attack. Even those who already had a heart attack can reduce the risk of a second heart attack.

Regular use of honey with cinnamon improves breathing and strengthens the heart muscle. In some nursing homes in America and Canada, regular intake of a mixture of honey and cinnamon by patients, markedly improved their condition, undergoing age-related changes, veins and arteries.


Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more useful than harmful for maintaining strength. Elderly people taking honey and cinnamon in equal proportions, improve concentration and mobility.

Dr. Milton, who conducted the research, says that the daily intake of half a tablespoon of honey with the addition of cinnamon in a glass of water, after breakfast in the morning on an empty stomach and after noon, around 15:00, when the vital functions of the body begin to decline, increases vital functions over the course of several weeks.


Sufferers of arthritis can daily, in the morning and in the evening, take 1 cup of warm water with 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 small tsp. cinnamon. Regular treatment cures even chronic arthritis.

In recent studies led by the University of Copenhagen, it is established that when doctors assigned their patients a mixture of 1 tbsp. honey and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon before breakfast, a week later, 73 patients out of 200 completely lost the pain, and within a month the majority of patients who could not walk or move because of arthritis could walk without feeling pain.


2 table. spoons of honey and 3 tsp. cinnamon, mixed with 2 glasses of warm water, reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10% for 2 hours. As for those suffering from arthritis, taking the mixture 3 times a day leads to normal cholesterol even in chronic patients. In the same journal it is mentioned that people who daily take honey with pure food, also complain less about cholesterol.


Daily intake of honey and cinnamon strengthens the body's defenses and protects against bacteria and viruses. Scientists have found that honey contains many different vitamins and iron. The constant intake of honey enhances the ability of white blood balls to combat bacterial and viral diseases.
