Tell me, if you're inside of a car traveling 60 mph and you throw a ball in the air inside the car, what happens? Does the motion of the car affect the ball? Equally, when I posted the link and you ignored it, the spin of the earth, if it was 1 mph or 50000000000 mph, will affect the planes, except that not in the way you think "basic" physics work and you think it affects them.
Also, instead of "broad topics" that are not helped at all by a flat earth or a cube earth, or a earth dome under the ocean on a flat plane sitting on infinitely tall pillars or floating on the back of a tortoise, I content that there is absolutely not one instance that you can detail where the perpetrators of such a large conspiracy which despite the lack of even ONE individual coming out to detail anything about it (unlike almost every other conspiracy where the perpetrators are known and their motives obvious and whistleblowers have come forward) could be advantaged by this "secret" knowledge. Read that again, not one instance, it is so irrelevant that the only relevance of this conspiracy is actually in the numerous professions that RELY on their work and life on a precise, utmost precise, model of our world, which you believe they all work in tandem to keep this secret so secret that it befuddles anyone with a modicum of common sense, something that you obviously consider almost faux pas, yet you ask things that defy common sense like "will the spin of the earth affect airplanes". I provided an experiment that demonstrates the spin of the earth by its effect on light and a link to common sense explanation that didn't stop you from ignoring it outright and asking the same redundant question.
Stick to logic, no need to make assertions about me.
You seem to be lacking the ability to have a logical discussion without trying to make things personal.
The main things that I’ve gotten out of this exchange are that you believe the version of history you’ve heard is absolutely correct, you believe your imagination covers all possibilities, & that you can provide links to standard explanations that lack logical sense, despite your faith in them. There is nothing in these responses of value for me & I don’t believe you are open minded enough for me to spend my time continuing to read your attempted insults.
If you want to insult strangers, do it in the real world where you can expirement with real physics & have some fun 😃
I could write a long winded response, countering every single point you’ve made, but my perspective is your ego & programming gets in the way of your potential for creative thinking & positive discussion. Good luck to you on your quest for knowledge & improved communication