We are continuing with our tips and basic lessons about watercolors.
sourcesourceYou can check out latest posts from @marty-arts and @jnart and many others that can be found at @water-art.
Last time @alcy asked me very interesting question about tools, papers, colors and brushes..is it important for them to be good?
I found this question very interesting and here I will try to share my point of my view about this topic.
Somehow describing things is more easier when you can show some process, at least it's easier for me. For that reason I made another video where I am talking about good-bad papers, colors and brushes.
You will see examples of use good-bad colors on three different kind of papers.
Exercise is made with three different kind of brushes, synthetic one lower quality, synthetic brush good quality and natural hair brush.
You can check out also this video where I talk about brushes source
And here is latest one, still figuring out how to make shorter explanations :) ..
See more posts from @marty-arts, @jnart and @jungwatercolor
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This was so helpful, since I don't have much experience with watercolor. Thank you for the great explanation 😊
Thank you for having patient for watching @allailen :) I am slow when speaking language that is not my native.
You speak well, no worries. It was fun to watch :)
followed and upvoted
Hvala @jungwatercolor na lekcijama, još malo ša ću početi da slikam pred tebe. Imam želju, ali nemam talenta :D
Hej @ladysnowhite, za igru nema potrebe za talentom. Probaj da se poigras malo, najbolje je u kombinaciji sa nekim detetom, njihova sloboda i masta te naprosto oslobodi. Uskoro cu da napravim i neke tutorijale kako mogu da se igraju i oni koji misle da nemaju talenta a svrbe ih prsti da probaju :)
Baš im se radujem @jungwatercolor!:) Deca su čudo sa idejama. Svašta iskažu kroz crtež i misli i osećanja i afinitete i probleme. Moj crtež čoveka nije evulirao dalje od nivoa osnovne škole (dobro te nije ostao na nivou Čiča Gliše), ali sam zato usavršila vatrogasni kamion :D
Creative content and beautiful work, you've been added to the @ARTzone voting pool!
Thank you very much for that @artzanolino :)
Excellent demonstration of the different materials and tools. I have been working with Schmincke watercolors for close to 35 years, and I love them... "unfortunately" I spend most of my money on art supplies :-)
Lucky you :) I started to collect Schminke pans just recently.
I am starting to like this way of demonstration videos. Maybe it's just my professional side of art teacher coming out. Never worked as one unfortunately, despite my teaching degree. It was always mission impossible to find job as a teacher and after some time I gave up.
Now I see new opportunity for sharing :)
And I know what you mean about spending money on art supplies @reinhard-schmid :)
You reminded me of the manuals that I made for teaching children to paint. It was cold and warm colors, stretching colors, graphic elements. I recently found these manuals and looked with great interest ;)
Maybe you can share those manuals here @marymik23, so many people here would find it interesting.
I'm thinking about how best to talk about it. So far I do not have so many friends here, unfortunately ...
Or just go to contest topic and you will find more of them. In that way many more people will see your posts and art.@marymik23, one of things that made me interact and know more people here was participating in good contests. Maybe you should try too. Those contests made me work more and also somehow I started thinking outside the box about my art. You have great one run by @juliakponsford called Art explosion and it has different subject each week.
Thank you, I'll take a look
Interesting. I never thought of different papers interacting with different brushes.
Yes @annhozblog, it's the point here, you have to mix and try out different stuff to find one that suits you.
Darn it, you've confirmed something I have suspected to be true. All I have is cheap water papers I need to use up first! My next watercolor sketchbook is going to have cotton in it for sure. You got me convinced. Thank you for sharing your tips! I'm going to follow ya as well! :D
Well, those better don't need to be so expensive. You have fabriano brand and they are less expensive than some other brands, but they are also great. Having 300gr paper will already do good staff, and not to forget colors. Also you can by colors in pans, that's how I started. Finding my shades and making collection over years.
And thank you for leaving comment @dm7 :)
Ah thanks, I'll add fabriano brand to my to-investigate-and-perhaps-to-buy list. ;)
Anytime - your article was a gem in the art category so keep it coming!
You are doing good work. I love your art school is bringing practical and inspirational lessons to the steemit art world. Teach on!
Hahaha, I am teacher of art, but never done that job in real life since finding job after graduation was very hard here.
But I love to share my knowledge thinking maybe one day with this small help of mine, someone will make some great art that we all will enjoy in.
I will continue @donnadavisart, having positive feed back here gives me more energy for continuing of work.
Well, then, here is positive energy :) Keep up the good work.
And, I am loving your foray into digital.
Super Nice post!
Super nice thank you @jnart :))))
The largest brush is similar to a brush for traditional Chinese painting. I love to paint with them )