Warriors, We Are! Men Of Knowledge

in #warriors8 years ago (edited)

DO NOT forget that we all are "Steemit" Warriors with a huge responsibility to create quality content to spread our personal and our gurus wisdom for our future generations to come. 

This is one of the reasons why I am writing my stories and present my researches I personally have deep connection with. Today I will introduce two of my teachers, posting two videoclips, men who's knowledge I highly respect. 

Todays Inspiration! 

The Source for such magnificant image is from my little beautiful "Soul-Sister" Marcia Cliento who expressed a very deep message for me on Mothers Day : "I always receive the highest frequency and inner wisdom from you.... and of course the best music here! " I thank her so much for her "Woman2Woman" love she shared.

Warrior's Words!

I am trying to find powerful words to express my feelings and wisdom in my humble way. Be always careful with your words  you choose when you write in public. They are powerful. I do not consider myself as a great author but I do my best to present my soul through the topics in my articles.  

“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.” - Yehuda Berg

Image Source 

The Wisdom of Don Juan Matus and Carlos Castaneda

“A warrior acknowledges his pain but he doesn't indulge in it. The mood of the warrior who enters into the unknown is not one of sadness; on the contrary, he's joyful because he feels humbled by his great fortune, confident that his spirit is impeccable, and above all, fully aware of his efficiency. A warrior's joyfulness comes from having accepted his fate, and from having truthfully assessed what lies ahead of him.”― Don Juan Matus

Image Source 

Don Juan Matus explains the hardships of becoming a "Man of Knowledge"

Carlos Castaneda - The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

A rare image of Carlos Castaneda 

The active Side of Infinity 

"Ordinarily, events that change our path are impersonal affairs, and yet extremely personal. My teacher, don Juan Matsus, said this is guiding me as his apprentice to collect what I considered to be the memorable events of my life…. Don Juan described the total goal of the shamanistic knowledge that he handled as the preparation for facing the definitive journey: the journey that every human being has to take at the end of his life. He said that what modern man referred to vaguely as life after death was, for those shamans, a concrete region filled to capacity with practical affairs of a different order than the practical affairs of daily life, yet bearing a similar functional practicality. Don Juan considered that to collect the memorable in their lives was, for shamans, the preparation for their entrance into that concrete region, which they called the active side of infinity."


Image Source from another little Sis Sophie on FB 

This Song is my present for all of YOU Mamma's and @reddust!

ILHAAM Project - Shadows on the Stardust - Thanks to Alexandra Ana Maria 

Follow @mammasitta


Happy Mom's Day!

The Precious Gift Of Important Time And What We Do With It.


My favorite phrase from the Castaneda ouvre:

"Flying on the wings of intent"

I was wondering why this post stuck out :)

So good to see you again :) and I always appreciate your loyalty and support. Luv that simple quote!

A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting.

there's a time for thinking..a time for acting. Acting without thinking is not that great :)

A man of knowledge chooses a path with a heart and follows it and then he looks and rejoices and laughs and then he sees and knows.

I could go on :) but I have to celebrate my Mamma day now

it's a tough series to follow and understand tho and quite adept at relaying a message.

Do you mean those wonderful quotes ? It is very difficult to follow through for sure

the whole series of books :D but yes even the quotes are maxims and really require discipline, dedication and commitment to actually make real because it's much easier to go astray then to follow your path with a heart for instance.

wow! nice surprise indeed to see you commenting!

Yes, Overtime I see a comment from this wise gentleman, I learn a little bit more :)

Great write up!

Happy to see you here Tijo and Thanks for your kindness and appriciation

A feast for the senses!

I am so happy to see you putting your lovley feedback again . 🤗 It's been a long time

Super cool post! I very much love Yehuda Berg and Don Juan 's quote. Thank you for sharing!

Very nice post mammasitta. Thank you for sharing!

That picture actually surprised me :) Cheers to your even if a bit late :D I just got here from the chat :D I've been missing out on the steemit for a while, just voting in silence. Powerful post tho

Great post!
Learn to be a warrior of life. A peaceful warrior.

Danke schoen ! Did you ever read " The way of the peaceful warrior" by Dan Millman ? Check it out ! You gonna love it


That book is the reason why I wrote this sentence :D

Thought so but wanted to make sure 🤗

Inspirational! When good content is requested within the community, look no further than your example here. X

You have no idea how happy I am to read so many wonderful comments for this post and I did write a lot since June 2016. It's for the first time I get that kind of feedback. 🐬💃

I just wanted to add how HAPPY and OUT OF MY MIND I am about this reward !

Mammasitta a.k.a. Steemit warrior:)

hahaha !!! Oh well Oh well ......Gladiatress -esssss everywhere:)

Happy Mother's Day to you! :)

Yeahhhh I am a Mamabear for sure:) Thankssss

great post!

I am glad to hear and appreciate you read it 🌺

One thing I realize as I grow older is that the more I know the less I understand.

I know this feeling well 😜 And I also know this quote. Sweet of you to stop by

great read I enjoyed it

Sweet ! Thanks so much for letting me know

your very welcome

I just looked at my payout and in shock :)

Super post! You're getting in the Steemit millionaires club :)

by the way dan already is one hahah actually a quadrillionare if you add his 2 accounts :D

I am just so excited to look at the payout. I never got that much before

:) I got 15$ that one time, guess that makes it ~100++ now :D great times, do you know how to cash out to paypal by the way?

I don't trust Paypal

OH no ! DO I ?? I just minimized my autovoting warrior bot feeling so bad :) but hey I am still human after all

maybe I can get some of that manual curation over to my side of the blogs :D maybe :D please :)

Can't be always online but if somebody reminds me in my group,I check it out.
It takes a long time to build up your own followers. Never count on whales or anybody's support. Promote your articles everywhere. Twitter, Join Facebook groups or whatever. Good luck.Hello and good morning. I suggest to join #mammasittas steemit chat and more than welcome to add your links. Sometimes its difficult and we all overlook lots of good content.

oh yeah of course was even thinking of doing what you already have a live chat feature :) wink :) i only the chat was integrated, I normally spend hours promotion more so than actually writing, around 4:1 ratio :D I do wish more people took note of the enormous time it takes to make quality and not just autovote and autocomment(hi good post @ .. ) i get in the case of non-native or non-fluent english speakers but still, it's very frustrating for me seeing 200 votes 10 views and 0 comments and that is a trend for a while, other than that I completely agree with you and I've been promoting only on steemit and bumping people here dragging them around :D twitter and facebook eat up too much time and socializing in five places is really a timesink in my eyes, even if I get 500 views, i do wish it would be more natural and there was actually a social aspect, where people actually care a bit more about content and not just about trending and trading posts(voting for profits on posts) it actually took me 30 minutes to upvote maybe 100 no 126 posts over at the trending page (20 mins) and fee page (10 mins) I was in quite a rush and using keyboard skills :D ctrl f (search) :D and space to scroll past everything, then I made a few scans up and down then a substantial view and done, :D bot curation :D not that hard :D i guess I'm trying out new algorithms

anyways there are many open people here and building some connections is hard not to mention it's really swamped and getting through everything is hard so I do understand why people use tools and features to ease the use, we can't all be keyboard hermits :D

Final note, I've been building followers, but having 1000 followers and having 200 bots trailing you don't measure up to the same results :D 800 of those might miss the post and unless you are really special (like yourself :) ) :) not many people would take the time to go directly to you :)

finally one question am i writing too much and is this a bit too long?

I suggest you focus mostly on creating quality content first. Forget the politics! Put your passion into every article and correct your English as well as possible. Find your own niche. Autovotes have a reason. I do because I have learnt to trust certain authors and their constant great articles I do
nor wish to overlook or forget to support the effort.
New people will earn and deserve their votes of course, sadly overlooked but once again, it will take time to be noticed and appreciated.

That's one sexy Gladiatress you have up there @mammasitta 😎 ,awesome post!

OMG I love that word !!! #gladiatress :) !!! Powerful!

😆😆😆😆😆😆.....love that you love it dear @mammasitta

I think the same , damn sexy warrior !

Thank you for the wonderful write up, and for sharing your passion.

How kind of you and yes I have passion for Ai many things :) but I had so much more . Somehow the flame burnt out. Booking artists, mostly not as thankful as you might wish for, helped a bit to shift my passion to writing my stories. Steemit people opened my heart again

It's a shame - but you can't control how people react to what you do for them. You can only control how you react. Perhaps, one day, you will get your flame back.

Having writers block and not knowing what to say this was really "chicken noodle soup for my soul." I did sleep well last night because I watched some disturbing video but this here is true inspiration. Sending lots of love peace !

Nathalie I'm sorry that I didn't reply earlier but I try to comment to all wonderful messages for me, one by one. I am happy you passed by and that you enjoyed my article coming from my heart.

I found a quote for you from a book by Dan Millman you might like

There is no need to search; achievement leads to nowhere. It makes no difference at all, so just be happy now! Love is the only reality of the world, because it is all One, you see. And the only laws are paradox, humor and change. There is no problem, never was, and never will be. Release your struggle, let go of your mind, throw away your concerns, and relax into the world. No need to resist life, just do your best. Open your eyes and see that you are far more than you imagine. You are the world, you are the universe; you are yourself and everyone else, too! It's all the marvelous Play of God. Wake up, regain your humor. Don't worry, just be happy. You are already free!

I also will suggest another book called The Artists Way to unblock all your energy flow
I had writers block until I joined Steemit.

'I do not consider myself as a great author but I do my best to present my soul through the topics in my articles. '


The most simple sentences hit it best. Without you I wouldn't even realize. Thank you so much to give me your attention and very important feedback.
I am looking forward to read more from you. Nice to meet you.

BTW I had an awesome Rottweiler in California when I was pregnant and by myself . His name was Mister Right and he was :) @mrright

Great post, @mammasitta ! I really appreciate your remind to Castaneda, one of the "character" of my past reading and thoughts! Mammasitta, I have to say that I like so much your soul, I think it's similar to my soul ;)

Grazie tanto cara Silvia ( also my name )
Quello che un commento piacevole e bella in un giorno di madri!
I adore both of you @paolobeneforti and your vibrations are much felt.

All paths are the same, leading nowhere. Therefore, pick a path with heart!

From Silvia to Silvia: buona festa della mamma! ^_^

auguri auguri for all those mama warriors

Happy Mother's Day!

Awwww ! Thanks so much. Its very special coming from you :) You just made me happy.

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.

You deserve it! Have a wonderful day!!!

I created a post adding a very special song for my gratitude and roses

trying :)

I know you do well :)

The photo at the top is amazing! Is it by your friend Marcia - please let me know the photographer as I would love to follow more of their work?

Yes it is :) She works on her website at the moment and her fashion line. I asked for her permission to use it and she was very happy. You find her on FB

Cool. Would be amazing to get her on Steemit too!

I really would wish for many more of my unique friends to join but some people are just not that crazy or tech savvy nor patient or don't believe what I am trying to tell them.

Yes it is hard to get certain people on.

people are incredible resistant to change...

some even think I try to trick them into something bad hahaha Oh well !