"It is not enough for common people to understand this story"
Reading and enjoying the story is one thing but understanding the story is more important. I understand very well what this story is about and what it is trying to show and convey, we must have seen such movies in which animalism is rampant whether it is male or female.
I will not tell openly but I want to covertly tell the summary of this story in my own words
As I mentioned above, we have seen this in movies too when the brutality goes to the head, then whether it's a man or a woman, they wants a kind of sex that is not in the normal routine, so they had sex in a very brutal way. And once they've had sex that deep, they don't want to do anything less (I don't want to say anything more than that, I hope you understand what I'm trying to say)
There is a certain section in our society that likes such stories such people live not only with sex but with brutal sex. And films like "Wrong Turn" are made for such people. Well now the next part of this story is to see if this girl gets cured and if not, if that butcher Wardan fulfills this girl's wishes.....