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RE: What the Media Won't Tell You About Saudi Arabia

in #war7 years ago

Quite frankly, it isn't painful to hear about this anymore.. what is more painful is the fact that I will keep hearing this for another decade or so, may be even more than that! The kings will remain kings, and oppression will go on being state-organized, backed and funded by external elements - and nothing will actually change for the betterment of humanity.

What's more painful to anticipate is that our future generations will keep seeing the same thing that I have been seeing since my early childhood. No real change is imminent, not in the near future at least. I live in Pakistan, and my country supports everything Saudia has done in the past many years, and I am sure that's how it's gonna be in the near future, too. Yemen is just one of the latest victims of Saudia's inhumane mindsets, and my heart goes out to the people of Yemen. But to me, this was just another item they crossed out from their checklist. That's how it is for them - the ones benefiting from wars, oppression and arming rebels, country by country, region by region.

Saudia has the "Islamic" importance due to the Holy sites it has geographically. Kaaba, the most sacred place in Islam, is in the heart of Saudia Arabia. This is one of the things they have been exploiting since years now. If a Muslim nation doesn't like them and get vocal about it, they won't let your citizens enter their country to perform Hajj. The way they recently did to Iran. I am not sure about this weapon they use, but that's certainly not the teachings of Islam I have been taught since my early childhood!

Ethnic cleansing will keep going on the way it has been, just like sectarian violence has dented my country too many times in recent history. Those who will stand up for the oppressed will be on their list too, and then it'll just be a matter of time when funded organizations will find their way in your country and start killing your people. It's just so.... easy to comprehend all of it now! The way big guns want the governments to run, for their own benefit and maintain the order that they want to put into place. It's beyond sadness to be part of this era, to be honest.