This video is NOT for the faint at heart. Should be considered #nsfw
My heart goes out to all those struggling in chaos accross the world.
Here are the CNN Live Updates
and the live #turkey twitter feeds
I really don't know what to say. I wish there was more we could do.
#news #worldnews #conflict #anarchy #military #guns #war #politics
That is just crazy. You could see all the tracer rounds. I wonder if they were just trying to scare them or what? I didn't see anyone hit the ground or appear to be hit. That doesn't mean they didn't get hit. :(
Thats fucking horrible and all we can do is just watch there must be more to it.
Please no Clinton News Network links.
Thats all there is to say?
Not sure if the tracer rounds were actually being directed at civilians. Possibly shooting at the building in the background which is likely a government building. Impressive footage regardless, and innocent killed.