The US Military Has Split The Entire World Into 6 Areas Of Control. It Acts For Corporations Not People!

in #war6 years ago

This map shows how the US Military views the entire world and everybody living in it.

It's a disgusting view and tells us a lot about the way the world's most aggressive military sees you, I and everyone you know. Everybody living under the thumb of a few greedy globalists.

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This map splits the entire world up into 6 centers of "responsibility":


The only one I see missing but must surely be on the plans is:


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The US has almost continuously been at war since its inception with only 20 years of peace. The US really has no reason to fear another country invading its borders. Mexico or Canada are going to take over the US? Rubbish! However the actions of the US military defies all logic if its purpose is to protect the country and its citizens.

Instead we see an insatiable greed pushing the US military to operate all over the planet. This greed is the dangerous desire for resources that profit the tiny group of globalists who own almost our entire economy.

Young Americans are being brainwashed into joining a military which has over 2 million people in it and no real need to guard the borders of the US. Rather they are running around the world like crazed lunatics killing untold numbers of peaceful people and possibly being killed themselves, all so a few globalists can profit! Yuck! 😡

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What business does the US military have splitting the world up into "areas of responsibility"? None! What right do they have to construct and sell vast quantities of weapons for the sole purpose of killing and maiming people? None! What right do they have to fire those weapons to kill untold numbers of families and children? None!

If people started to view their military recruiters, advertising campaigns, war video games and all the other hideous machinations of the US military industrial complex in this light then they would demand change. All this death and misery only really profits a very few globalists, everyone else looses!

What's more it does the opposite of helping our human family grow, rather it tries to stifle and kill it. When we see their own documents stating so openly their view of everyone of us living on earth we should sit up and take notice. They are not shy about their beliefs.

I really hope people start waking up faster so as a group we can make the changes we so urgently need before we ruin our earth mother!

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4.

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I just took a class on Colonialism and this exact subject was covered. Make no mistake this world colonialism under a different name.

To right mate - you are absolutely correct! Keep studying! 😉


Worse than military is covert CIA operations where they rig elections, prop up dictators and have unfriendly leaders overthrown or assassinated. People are then told the terror attacks on the west are because terrorists hate your freedom not that they were retaliation for 50 years of meddling that left most of the world in poverty.

You know it buddy! It's disgusting and terrifying... I also believe many of the terrorist organizations are funded and started by the globalists. Controlled opposition is an old game but we are waking up! 😃


A book on Deep State is now published in the Netherlands in our own language. Gets attention by press.

And yet they are raising the army's fund this year. This US war machine is ruthless and won't stop, they will find a way to make war with whoever for whatever reason.

They do make money of it, it's not patriotic or whatever lie they can think of to justify killing innocents, it's just for the money, and not for all, it's for their own pockets, they make war so they can become rich, all of that money is tainted with blood.

Thank toy for posting this.

You are right mate! Followed and UPvoted! 😃

I always liked polymers at school... I can imagine studying them would be fun and rewarding!

I just wonder... how would people react if any other country tried to do the same thing to the US that we have done to other countries?

Nonintervention does not mean isolation, it simply means not controlling and manipulating other actors. If people started understanding Blowback Theory, maybe we’d have a chance at spreading a message of peace.


Great comment! UPvoted and followed! I have never heard of blowback theory but I am looking it up now! Thank you! 😃

Blowback Theory boiled down to a sentence is that there are consequences to US interventionism and other countries being “angry” at the US is a totally rational response to the US overthrowing their governments, imposing sanctions, etc.

There are tons and tons of articles and books and I highly recommend anything Scott Horton has been involved with if you happen to not be familiar with him.