
I dont understand? Why does there need to be 50 jurisdictions in the age of X KEY SCORE and PRISM you dont think they can have online instantaneous registration? Why does speeding need to be illegal? Why does the public need to control the roads?

You really dont think many people speed? You think speeding laws help our world, especially the possibly non uniform ways they are enforced subject to discretion?

you don't understand that there are laws against speeding and that you have to register your vehicle independent of the laws that prohibit drugs?
I am sure Texas has instant online registration, most states do.
I didn't say speeding needed to be illegal, I said it would be, probably because people are not comfortable with people barreling around in sketchy RVs over 65 mph. The public needs to control the roads because the public shares the roads and everyone benefits from them and is also put at risk on them. Driving is one of the most dangerous things you do. You want to live right? It's pretty easy to demonstrate the benefits from speed limits, they reduce pollution and accidents. On the other hand we should do away with all traffic lights and urban traffic controls, that reduces traffic and accidents.

Aren't there no speed limits or something on Autobahn? I am not sure your theories are as settled as you imply?

Or something, of course they have speed limits but they are much more vague on some sections of the Autobahn:
"General speed limits in Germany are set by the federal government. All limits are multiples of 5 km/h. There are two default speed limits: 50 km/h (31 mph) inside built-up areas and 100 km/h (62 mph) outside built-up areas. While parts of the autobahns and many other freeway-style highways have posted limits up to 130 km/h (81 mph) based on accident experience, congestion and other factors, many rural sections have no general speed limit. The German Highway Code (Straßenverkehrsordnung) section on speed begins with the requirement [1] which may be rendered in English:

Any person driving a vehicle may only drive so fast that the car is under control. Speeds must be adapted to the road, traffic, visibility and weather conditions as well as the personal skills and characteristics of the vehicle and load.
This requirement applies to all roads, and is similar to the "reasonable speed" legal obligation levied in other nations.

Speed limits are enforced with a small tolerance. Driving merely 3 km/h (2 mph) or faster above the posted or implied speed limit is considered a punishable infraction in Germany. The speeding fines are set by federal law (Bußgeldkatalog, schedule of fines).[2]"

Note also that they have much stricter requirements to get a drivers license there. So in Germany, and most other places, a cop can just decide that you are driving too fast and pull you over, based on his assessment of the conditions. For example if you are doing 65 in a blizzard on the highway fishtailing away a cop can write you a ticket for speeding and it would likely hold up in court. Even though you and I know that tickets and such are mostly to generate revenue for the state and as a pretext to search and harass people the reason that we won't see these laws done away with is the legitimate safety aspect. At least until a future time when cars all drive themselves and then we won't need speed limits for safety anymore.

Consider this, it's illegal to drink and drive and yet all bars have parking lots. Because in fact you can drink and drive as long as you do so responsibly and don't get so drunk that you are driving impaired.

yea the parking lots just seem like they make a whole joke of the system. Well not sure what you are getting at. Sure slower vehicles are less dangerous but not sure speed limits inherently are necessary?

The point is that you can drink and drive all you want as long as you are responsible, if you can drink a 12 pack and drive in a straight line and do all the other things you are supposed to do then you won't get pulled over right?

That's why bars have parking lots, the expectation is that everyone will be responsible.

Or you could ride around in an RV in Texas with all the drugs you want if you actually followed the posted speed limit.

Personal responsibility is the point.

There is a pretty clear and linier relationship between speed limits and accident rates and fuel consumption. We could decide that the liberty to drive as fast as you want is more important than that and change the laws but we probably won't. Ultimately physics imposes a speed limit either way.

Well I don't know what you want me to say. I think it is despicable nearly 1% of Americans are behind bars, many for nonviolent conduct, like Adam.

Hopefully we will be free someday.

You are greatly misinformed about our supposed "laws"
The Traffic Code, The Controlled Dangerous Substances Act, Hell, everything is commerce related. In other words, if you are not doing something for a profit or gain then these so called "laws" do not apply to you. I guess I need to bring my Facebook notes over here so I can educate idiots like you.

(48) _Ultimate user_ means a person who has lawfully obtained and possesses a controlled substance for the person's own use, for the use of a member of the person's household, or for administering to an animal owne.png

yea I don't understand the ad hominem using the word idiot? I think it best if people make their arguments and stick to the arguments. The tyrants are the ones that try to obfuscate logic and facts.

You seem to have conflated federal and state law for some inexplicable reason. How about instead of posting memes you try to make an argument like a grownup and without any name calling?

Hopefully we can keep a level of decorum here. I'm not planning to institute rules or anything but I don't understand the use of an ad hominem.

It just makes him seem angry and confused. I didn't down vote him but someone will if he keeps on like that. I like that you and I can discuss things civilly.

fuck downvotes. Stupiedest part of steem by leaps and bounds. We should be building people up and catalyzing voluntary association not breaking them down and letting mal contents run wild to harm others arbitrarily.

Idk if ad hominems are necesarily incivil, still using words i'd say is civil. But no point to not keep it to logic. I want to facilitate discussion that realizes truth, not hurts and intimidates people and makes them fear to speak their mind.

Yes, this meme is showing you that at both the Federal and State, the term "Ultimate User" are the same. Also, the state actually is bound by the Federal code. Every state in the union will say something to the effect of "As controlled by the Federal CSA"...

The point is, if you are an "Ultimate User" than you can lawfully use and possess any controlled substance at both the Federal and State levels.

as long as you lawfully obtained it first.

Yes, it is very important to note the use of the word "lawfully" as opposed to "Legally"..
In other words if it is not obtained by force or fraud.

Legal - Form and Appearance of law - no substance

Lawful - Actual Law - Has Substance